[Clovers: The Genus Trifolium in Mt. Adams Country]

Longstalk Clover, Long-stalked Clover

Trifolium longipes var. longipes

Synonym: Trifolium longipes ssp. longipes

- Sideview of the inflorescence of Longstalk Clover, Long-stalked Clover: Trifolium longipes var. longipes (Synonym: Trifolium longipes ssp. longipes)

The photo at left shows the flower head of long-stalked clover as seen at Muddy Meadows on the northern flanks of Mt. Adams........June 21, 2005. Note the yellowish crab spider which had been laying in wait to pounce on a pollinating prey. The photo at right shows a sideview of the flower head of long-stalked clover as seen at Muddy Meadows, Mt. Adams Wilderness.....July 13, 2018. Note that the flowers are all ascending.

The photo above shows the "long-stalked" petiole of long-stalked clover as seen at Muddy Meadows on the northern flanks of Mt. Adams........June 21, 2005. Note the serrate leaflet margins and the large stipules at the base of the petioles.

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The photos seen directly above represent various views of long-stalked clover as seen in wetlands along Road K1000 east of the Mt. Adams Highway on the eastern side of Mt. Adams.......June 17, 2007.

Paul Slichter