Cloudywings, Duskywings and Skippers:
Arctic Skipper: Carterocephalus palaemon -
Juba Skipper: Hesperia juba -
Mardon Skipper: Polites mardon
Woodland Skipper: Ochlodes sylvanoides
Pale Tiger Swallowtails: Papilio eurymedon -
Indra Swallowtails: Papilio indra -
Oregon Swallowtail, Old World Swallowtail: Papilio machaon -
Western Tiger Swallowtail: Papilio rutulus -
Anise Swallowtails: Papilio zelicaon -
Clodius Parnassian, Clodius Apollo, American Apollo: Parnassius clodius
Mountain Parnassian: Parnassius smintheus
Whites, Marbles and Sulphurs:
Julia's Orangetip: Anthocharis sara
Queen Alexndra's Sulphur, Alexandra's Sulphur, Ultraviolet Sulphur: Colias alexandra
Orange Sulphur, Alfalfa Butterfly: Colias eurytheme
Western Sulphur, Golden Sulphur, Intermountain Sulphur: Colias occidentalis
Clouded Sulphur, Common Sulphur: Colias philodice
Large Marble, Creamy Marble, Dappled Marble: Euchloe ausonides
Pine White, White Pine Butterfly: Neophasia menapia - Snowking Snowpark
Margined White, Veined White, Sharp-veined White, Mustard White, Green-veined White: Pieris marginalis
Cabbage White, European Cabbage Butterfly: Pieris rapae
Becker's White, Great Basin White, Sagebrush White: Pontia beckeri
Western White, Peak White, Checkered White: Pontia occidentalis
Spring White: Pontia sisymbryii -
Coppers, Hairstreaks, Elfins and Blues:
Mariposa Copper: Lycaena mariposa -
Purplish Copper: Lycaena helloides -
Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis - ?
Elfins and Hairstreaks:
Brown Elfin, Western Elfin: Callophrys augustinus
Western Pine Elfin, Western Banded Elfin: Callophrys eryphon
Cedar Hairstreak, Olive Hairstreak, Nelson's Hairstreak, Conifer Hairstreak, Juniper Hairstreak, Incense Cedar Hairstreak: Callophrys gryneus
Johnson's Hairstreak, Mistletoe Hairstreak, Brown Mistletoe Hairstreak: Callophrys johnsoni
Moss's Elfin, Stonecrop Elfin, Early Elfin, Schryver's Elfin: Callophrys mossii
Sheridan's Green Hairstreak, Sheridan's Hairstreak, White-lined Green Hairstreak, Little Green Hairstreak: Callophrys sheridanii -
Thicket Hairstreak, Blue Mistletoe Hairstreak: Callophrys spinetorum
Golden Hairstreak, Chinquapin Hairstreak, Live Oak Hairstreak: Habrodais grunus
Halfmoon Hairstreak, Sooty Hairstreak, Sagebrush Sooty Hairstreak: Satyrium semiluna
Hedgerow Hairstreak, Bronzed Hairstreak, Russet Hairstreak, Buckthorn Hairstreak: Satyrium saepium
Sylvan Hairstreak, Wesern Willow Hairstreak: Satyrium sylvinus
Gray Hairstreak, Common Hairstreak, Hop Vine Hairstreak, Cotton Square Borer: Strymon melinus -
Arctic Blue: Agriades glandon -
Echo Azure, Echo Blue, Spring Azure, Western Spring Azure: Celastrina echo -
Silvery Blue: Glaucopsyche lygdamus -
Boisduval Blue: Icaricia icarioides -
Greenish Blue: Icaricia saepiolus -
Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna -
Melissa Blue: Plebejus melissa -
Mormon Metalmark: Apodemia mormo -
Brushfoots: Monarchs, Fritillaries
Monarch, Milkweed Butterfly, Wanderer: Danaus plexippus
Callippe Fritillary: Speyeria callippe -
Washington Fritillary: Speyeria mormonia washingtonia -
Zerene Fritillary ? : Speyeria zerene -
Arctic Fritillary: Boloria chariclea - ?
Western Meadow Fritillary: Boloria epithore
Lorquin's Admiral: Limenitis lorquini - Common.
Painted Lady, Cosmopolite, Cosmopolitan Butterfly, Thistle Butterfly, Painted Beauty, Cynthia of the Thistle: Vanessa cardui - Common in meadows above treeline.
West Coast Lady, Western Painted Lady: Vanessa annabella -
Red Admirable, Red Admiral, Nettle Butterfly: Vanessa atalanta - Killen Creek Trail
Milbert's Tortoiseshell, Nettle Tortoiseshell, Fire-rim Tortoiseshell: Aglais milberti - Killen Creek Trail
Mourning Cloak, Camberwell Beauty, Grand Surprise, Antiopa: Nymphalis antiopa - Common in forest openings at the southeastern corner of the mountain in spring and early summer.
California Tortoiseshell, Western Tortoiseshell: Nymphalis californica -
Anglewings and Commas:
Unidentified Anglewing: Polygonia sp. -
Green Comma, Faun, Faun Anglewing, Faunus Anglewing, Green Anglewing: Polygonia faunus
Hoary Comma, Hoary Anglewing: Polygonia gracilis -
Oreas Anglewing, Oreas Comma, Silenus Anglewing, Dar Gray Anglewing: Polygonia oreas
Satyr Anglewing, The Satyr, Satyr Coma, Hop Butterfly, Golden Anglewing: Polygonia satyrus
Hoffman's Checkerspot: Chlosyne hoffmanni -
Northern Checkerspot: Chlosyne palla -
Chalcedona Checkerspot, Colon Checkerspot, Snowberry Checkerspot, Variable Checkerspot, Western Checkerspot: Euphadryas chalcedona - Common
Northern Crescent: Phyciodes cocyta -
Mylitta Crescent: Phyciodes mylitta -
Field Crescent: Phyciodes pulchellus -
Satyrs, Wood Nymphs and Ringlets:
Dark Wood Nymph, Small Wood Nymph, Least Wood Nymph, Least Satyr: Cercyonis oetus
Common Wood Nymph, Large Wood Nymph, Ox-eyed Wood Nymph, Blue-eyed Grayling, Goggle Eye, Hoary Satyr: Cercyonis pegala
Great Basin Wood Nymph, Lesser Wood Nymph, Least Wood Nymph, Small Wood Nymph, Scrub Wood Nymph, Woodland Satyr, Little Satyr, Sylvan Satyr: Cercyonis sthenele -
Ochre Ringlet, Ringlet, Common Ringlet, Northwest Ringlet, Large Heath: Coenonympha tullia -
Butler's Alpine, Common Alpine: Erebia epipsodea - May approach Mt. Adams through the east Cascade Slopes of Yakima County.
Great Arctic, Nevada Arctic, Great Grayling, Felder's Arctic, Pacific Arctic: Oeneis nevadensis - Common in spring and early summer at all elevations on the southeast side of Mt. Adams. Some of these could possibly be the similar Chryxus Arctic?
Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest by Robert Michael Pyle & Caitlin C. LaBar, Timber Press Field Guide, Portland, OR, 2018.
Life Histories of Cascadeia Butterflies by David G. James & David Nunnallee, Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR, 2011.
The Butterflies of Cascadia by Robert Michael Pyle, Seattle Audubon Society, Seattle, WA, 2002.
The Guide to Butterflies of Oregon and Washington by William Neill, Westcliffe Publishers, Englewood, CO, 2001.