[Coppers of Mount Adams Country] [Butterflies of Mount Adams Country]

Mariposa Copper

Lycaena mariposa

Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa - Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa

Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa - Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa

The photos on this page represent a butterfly seen on western mountain aster (Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum) and hardhack (Spiraea douglasii) as seen at Willard Springs in Conboy National Wildlife Refuge on the southeastern side of Mt. Adams.........July 28, 2006.

Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa - Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa

The photos at left and center show a view of the upper surface of the wings of a mariposa copper perched on rocky mountain sedge (Carex scopulorum) as seen in wetlands along Road K1000 to the west of the Mt. Adams Highway at the eastern foot of Mt. Adams........June 17, 2007.

Female Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa - Female Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa - Male Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa

Mariposa coppers spotted in a meadow above Killen Creek Meadows, Mt. Adams Wilderness.....August 27, 2020. A female is seen at left and center, the male at right.

Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa - Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa

A mariposa copper nectaring upon the flower heads of Cascade aster (Eucephalus ledophyllus) along the Round the Mountain Trail #9 at upper Gotchen Creek Meadows, Yakama Nation lands at Bird Creek Meadows, Mount Adams......September 4, 2022.

Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa - Mariposa Copper:Lycaena mariposa

A mariposa copper perched on hardhack (Spiraea douglasii) as seen in wetlands along Road K1000 to the west of the Mt. Adams Highway at the eastern foot of Mt. Adams..........June 17, 2007.

Paul Slichter E-mail