[Blue Butterflies of Mount Adams Country] - [Butterflies of Mount Adams Country]

Anna's Blue

Plebejus anna

Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna - Anna's Blue: Lycaeides anna

These photos show a male Anna's blue as seen in moist meadows alongside the Pacific Crest Trail about one-half mile west of the the junction with the Stagman Trail #12.........September 12, 2008. The upper fore and hind wings are solid blue.

Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna - Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna

Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna - Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna

Male Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna - Male Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna

Female Anna's blues (with orange on the upper wings) observed nectaring upon the flower heads of Cascade aster (Eucephalus ledophyllus) along the Round the Mountain Trail #9 at upper Gotchen Creek Meadows, Yakama Nation lands at Bird Creek Meadows, Mount Adams......September 4, 2022. The lower pair of photos show male Anna's blues (lacking the orange on the upper wings) at the same location and on the same date.

Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna - Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna - Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna

Anna's blue butterflies observed adjacent to moist meadows along the upper Stagman Ridge Trail #12......August 7, 2020.

Male Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna - Male Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna - Male Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna

What appears to be an Anna's blue male mudding in moist alpine soils near the head of Hellroaring Valley, Yakama Nation lands at Bird Creek Meadows, Mount Adams.....August 29, 2022.

Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna with bumble bee. - Anna's Blue: Plebejus anna

Anna's blue butterflies observed near the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 and Divide Camp Trails, on the northwest side of Mount Adams, Mount Adams Wilderness......August 28, 2021.

Paul Slichter E-mail