[Wildflower Bloom in Central and Eastern Oregon: 2015]

Wildflowers of Rim Country & Riparian Areas Along the South Fork Crooked River

T18S R22E S12

South Fork Crooked River Wilderness Study Area

BLM lands from Sulphur Springs south to the crest of Sulphur Ridge

October 25, 2015

Native bunchgrasses with encroaching native western junipers on the north slope of Sulphur Ridge, South Fork Crooked River WSA.......October 25, 2015.

Native bunchgrasses (bluebunch wheatgrass) with encroaching native western junipers on the north slope of Sulphur Ridge, South Fork Crooked River WSA.......October 25, 2015.Flatter areas of these slopes show increased grazing from cattle, feral horses and native ungulates, resulting in shallower, eroded soils, highly degraded bunchgrasses (usually the bluebunch wheatgrass disappears) and increased incidence of non-native cheatgrass. Steeper slopes show a more native flora of bunchgrasses and native wildflowers. This particular area is a managed area for feral horses. Cattle grazing on this allotment is in a 3 year cycle with 2 seasons of grazing and 1 season with cattle exclusion.

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.

Western Juniper: Juniperus occidentalis

Coyote Willow: Salix exigua var. exigua

Scouring Rush: Equisetum hyemale var. affine

Thurber's Needlegrass: Achnatherum thurberianum ?

Cheatgrass: Bromus tectorum

Bottlebrush Squirreltail: Elymus elymoides (var. ?)

Great Basin Wildrye: Leymus cinereus

Bluebunch Wheatgrass: Pseudoroegneria spicata

Stinging Nettles: Urtica dioica (ssp. gracilis ?)

Sagebrush Mariposa: Calochortus macrocarpus var. macrocarpus

Yellow Bells: Fritillaria pudica

Panicled Deathcamas: Toxicoscordion paniculatum

Parsnipflower Buckwheat: Eriogonum heracleoides var. heracleoides

Rock Buckwheat: Eriogonum sphaerocephalum var. sphaerocephalum

Goose Lake Wild Buckwheat: Eriogonum strictum var. anserinum or Oval-leaf Buckwheat: Eriogonum ovalifolium var. ?

Sulphur Flower Buckwheat: Eriogonum umbellatum (var. ellipticum ?)

Mountain Sandwort: Eremogone capillaris var. americana

Douglas' Campion: Silene (douglasii var. douglasii ?)

Upland Larkspur: Delphinium nuttallianum

Pale Alyssum: Alyssum (alyssoides ?)

Sicklepod Rockcress: Boechera sparsiflora

Daggerpods: Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides

Wax Currant: Ribes cereum var. cereum

Prairie Smoke: Geum triflorum var. ciliatum

Sickle Milkvetch: Astragalus curvicarpus var. curvicarpus

Threadstalk Milkvetch: Astragalus filipes

Arcane Milkvetch: Astragalus obscurus

Woollypod Milkvetch: Astragalus purshii (var. ?)

Tailcup Lupine: Lupinus argenteus var. heteranthus

Tall Annual Willowherb: Epilobium brachycarpum

Large-fruited Biscuitroot: Lomatium macrocarpum

Showy Milkweed: Asclepias speciosa - Going to seed.

Largeflowered Collomia: Collomia grandiflora

Midget Phlox: Microsteris gracilis

Hood's Phlox: Phlox hoodii ?

Paintbrush: Castilleja sp.

Bushy Birdbeak: Cordylanthus ramosus

Gairdner's Penstemon: Penstemon gairdneri var. gairdneri

Low Penstemon: Penstemon humilis var. humilis

Gay Penstemon: Penstemon laetus var. sagittatus or Narrow-leaved Penstemon: Penstemon seorsus ?

Common Mullein: Verbascum thapsus

Yarrow: Achillea millefolium

Low Pussytoes: Antennaria dimorpha

Rosy Pussytoes: Antennaria rosea

Low Sagebrush: Artemisia arbuscula ssp. arbuscula - Past bloom.

Big Sagebrush: Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata - Past bloom.

Serrate Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza serrata

* Lanceleaf Green Rabbitbrush: Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus var. lanceolatus ? - Fading out of bloom.

* Sticky-flowered Rabbitbrush: Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus var. viscidiflorus - Fading out of bloom.

Palouse Thistle: Cirsium brevifolium ? - Native

Bull Thistle: Cirsium vulgare

Gray Hawksbeard: Crepis intermedia

Western Hawksbeard: Crepis occidentalis

* Showy Rubber Rabbitbrush: Ericameria nauseosa var. speciosa - Larger shrub. Fading out of bloom.

Mountain Rubber Rabbitbrush: Ericameria nauseosa var. oreophila ? - Smaller shrub.

Threadleaf Fleabane: Erigeron filifolius

Yellow Desert Daisy: Erigeron linearis

Shaggy Fleabane: Erigeron pumilus var. intermedius

Woolly Groundsel: Packera cana

Alkali Marsh Butterweed: Senecio hydrophilus ?

Western Groundsel: Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus

Animals Seen Along This Route:

Feral Horses

Mule Deer - Tracks

Great Blue Heron - Along the South Fork Crooked River

Common Ravens

American Robins

Towsend's Solitaires


Dark-eyed Juncos

White-crowned or Golden-crowned Sparrows

Mountain Chickadees

Private lands being restored to natural conditions along the South Fork Crooked River from the north slope of Sulphur Ridge........October 24, 2015. - Private lands being restored to natural conditions along the South Fork Crooked River from the north slope of Sulphur Ridge........October 24, 2015.

The crest of Sulphur Ridge in the South Fork Crooked River WSA........October 25, 2015.

The upper two photos show views north towards private lands surrounded by BLM lands from the north-facing slopes of Sulphur Ridge, South Fork Crooked River Wilderness Study Area..........October 25, 2015.

Paul Slichter