Rosy Everlasting, Rosy Pussytoes
Antennaria pulvinata
Synonyms: Antennaria acuminata, Antennaria albicans, Antennaria alborosea, Antennaria angustifolia, Antennaria arida var. humilis, Antennaria breitugii, Antennaria brevistyla, Antennaria chlorantha, Antennaria concinna, Antennaria confinis, Antennaria dioica var. kernensis, Antennaria dioica var. rosea, Antennaria elegans, Antennaria foliacea var. humilis, Antennaria formosa, Antennaria hendersonii, Antennaria imbricata, Antennaria incarnata, Antennaria laingii, Antennaria lanulosa, Antennaria leuchippii, Antennaria microphylla, Antennaria neodioica var. chlorantha, Antennaria oxyphylla, Antennaria rosea, Antennaria rosea var. angustifolia, Antennaria rosea ssp. arida, Antennaria rosea ssp. confinis, Antennaria rosea ssp. divaricata, Antennaria rosea var. imbricata, Antennaria rosea ssp. pulvinata, Antennaria rosea ssp. rosea, Angustifolia sedoides, Antennaria sordida, Antennaria speciosa, Antennaria straminea, Antennaria subviscosa, Antennaria tomentella
Rosy Pussytoes: Antennaria rosea
Rosy pussytoes is a mat-forming perennial. Its stem and leaves are covered
by a layer of whitish, soft, felt-like hairs. Tiny pencil eraser-sized flower
heads are white with reddish papery bracts surrounding the disk. The leaves
and stems are finely covered with short, grayish hairs. The basal leaves are
oblanceolate or spatulate, often from 8-30 mm long and 2-7 mm wide. Mature plants
range from 5-40 cm tall.
Rosy everlasting may be found in dry open places, meadows, open woods, etc.
from the lowlands to 3700 m.
Rosy everlasting is widespread over western North America.

The photo above shows the mat of basal leaves of rosy pussytoes as photographed on the southeast side of Mt. Adams........June 11, 2005.

This series of photos show a form of rosy pussytoes white whitish bracts rather than rosy bracts. Photographed in moist grass and sedgelands just uphill from Rock Springs in the Monument Rock Wilderness..........August 3, 2011.
The photo above shows rosy pussytoes as seen along the Umatilla Rim Trail on the northeastern edge of the North Fork Umatilla Wilderness..........June 24, 2007.
Close-up (left) of the inflorescence of rosy pussytoes as seen in vernally moist meadows in Logan Valley just west of Big Creek Campground, Malheur National Forest........July 1, 2010. The photo at right shows rosy pussytoes as seen along Bond Creek upstream from Hot Springs Campground, Hart Mt. National Antelope Refuge........June 11, 2016.

Close-up of the inflorescence of rosy pussytoes as seen atop the summit ridge about one-half mile north of the Steens Mountain Summit.........September 1, 2011.
What may be rosy pussytoes as seen from grassy slopes near the summit of Kamiak Butte, Kamiak Butte County Park, Whitman County, Washington...........June 10, 2013. The plants here should be checked to make sure they aren't Antennaria parvifolia which is a Washington State sensitive species.
A white-bracted form of rosy pussytoes as seen in coniferous forest along the cross-country ski trails originating from the Bandit Springs Sno-park on US Highway 26, Ochoco National Forest.........June 23, 2017.
Paul Slichter