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Leaves of Native and Weedy Shrubs and Vines

Leaves are Simple and Pinnately Veined

Willamette Valley, Cascade Mts, Columbia River Gorge

English Holly: Leaf edges with long, sharp, spines. An introduced, weedy shrub.

Creek (Red Osier) Dogwood

Mock Orange


Red Huckleberry

Pacific Rhododendron: Generally found in good quality, wild forest habitats east of the Sandy River.

White-flowered Rhododendron (Western Azalea): Generally found in good quality, wild forest habitats east of the Sandy River.

Common Snowberry: Opposite leaves and white berries.

Black Twinberry: Twin, shiny blackish berries.

Serviceberry: A forest understory to meadow shrub, found occasionally west of the Cascade crest, common east of the Cascades.

Osoberry (Indian Plum): A common understory shrub of forests west of the Cascade crest.

Hardhack (Douglas' Spiraea): A common shrub of moist ditches and marshes.

Subalpine Spiraea: Generally found at middle elevations to subalpine forests in the Cascade Mountains.

Chokecherry: Generally found in the Columbia River Gorge and east of the Cascades.

Creambush Oceanspray: A common shrub of roadsides and an understory plant in forests west of the Cascades.

Various Willow Species: Shrubs of very moist ground with long, thin, pointed leaves, or some with more elliptical leaves.

Paul Slichter