[Wildflower bloom in the Southern Washington Cascades: 2008]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Mount Adams: Laurel Road (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge)

August 11, 2008

Wooly Sedge: Carex pellita (August 11, 2008)

Wooly Sedge: Carex pellita (August 11, 2008)

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.

* 1. European Water Plantain: Allisma triviale -

* 2. Simple-stem Bur Reed: Sparganium emersum ssp. emersum -

* 3. Common Cat-tail: Typha latifolia -

4. Long-bract Sedge: Carex athrostachya ? -

* 5. Woolly Sedge: Carex pellita -

6. Awl-fruit Sedge: Carex stipata var. stipata -

7. Inflated Sedge: Carex vesicaria -

8. California Oatgrass: Danthonia californica -

* 9. Grass Pink: Dianthus armeria -

* 10. Small Creeping Buttercup: Ranunculus flammula -

* 11. Western Yellow Cress: Rorippa curvisiliqua var. curvisiliqua -

12. Suksdorf's Hawthorn: Crataegus gaylussacia -

* 13. Hardhack: Spiraea douglasii var. douglasii -

* 14. Spanish-clover: Acmispon americanus var. americanus -

* 15. Broadleaf Lupine: Lupinus latifolius var. latifolius - Fading out of bloom.

* 16. Red Clover: Trifolium praetense -

* 17. Common St. John's Wort: Hypericum perforatum - Fading out of bloom.

* 18. Oregon Checkermallow: Sidalcea oregana var. oregana -

* 19. Autumn Willowherb: Epilobium brachycarpum -

* 20. Dense-flower Willow-herb: Epilobium densiflorum -

* 21. Common Yampah: Perideridia gairdneri ssp. borealis -

* 22. Field Bindweed: Convolvulus arvensis -

* 23. Needle-leaf Navarretia: Navarretia intertexta -

* 24. Small-flowered Forget-me-not: Myosotis laxa -

* 25. Northern Bugleweed: Lycopus uniflorus -

* 26. Field Mint: Mentha canadensis -

* 27. Rosy Owl-clover: Orthocarpus bracteosus -

* 28. Common Mullein: Verbascum thapsus -

* 29. American Brooklime: Veronica americana -

* 30. Marsh Speedwell: Veronica scutellata -

* 31. Small Bedstraw: Galium trifidum ssp. columbianum -

* 32. Showy Downingia: Downingia elegans -

33. Twinberry: Lonicera involucrata -

* 34. Field Chamomile: Anthemis arvensis -

* 35. Chicory: Cichorum intybus -

* 36. Bull Thistle: Cirsium vulgare -

* 37. Western Marsh Cudweed: Gnaphalium palustre -

* 38. False Dandelion: Hypochaeris radicata -

* 39. Rabbit Leaf: Lagophylla ramosissima -

* 40. Oxeye Daisy: Leucanthemum vulgare -

* 41. Stinking Tarweed: Madia glomerata -

* 42. Common Tarweed: Madia gracilis -

* 43. Rocky Mt. Canada Goldenrod: Solidago lepida var. salebrosa -

* 44. Leafy Aster: Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. parryi -

* 45. Western Mountain Aster: Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum -

Animals Seen Along This Route:

1 herd of elk "squealing" in woods to the west of of Laurel Road

American Kestrel

American Crow

Spotted Towhee

Northern Orioles

Eastern Kingbirds

Western Wood Peewees

Dark-eyed Juncos

Violet-green Swallows

Rough-winged Swallows


Garter Snakes

Wood Nymphs

Lorquins Admirals

Purplish Copper ?

Red Meadowhawks

Water Striders

Whirligig Beetles

Paul Slichter E-mail