[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2006]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Mt. Adams: Horseshoe Meadows and Slopes Upwards to 7000' (Mt. Adams Wilderness)

July 27, 2006

This photo shows a view of Mt. Adams as seen from Horseshoe Meadows.......July 27, 2006.

This photo shows a view of Mt. Adams as seen from Horseshoe Meadows.......July 27, 2006.

* indicates the Wildflower is Currently in Bloom

Plants of Horseshoe Meadows:

1. Subalpine Fir: Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa -

2. Whitebark Pine: Pinus albicaulis -

3. Mountain Hemlock: Tsuga mertensiana -

4. Hitchcock's Wood-rush: Luzula glabrata var. hitchcockii -

*5. Cat's Ear Lily: Calochortus subalpinus -

*6. Alpine Buckwheat: Eriogonum pyrolifolium var. coryphaeum -

*7. Fleeceflower, Newberry's Knotweed: Acogononon davisiae var. davisiae (formerly Polygonum newberryi var. newberryi) -

*8. Pussypaws: Cistanthe umbellata var. caudicifera (formerly Spraguea umbellata or Calyptridium umbellatum) -

*9. Dwarf Lewisia, Alpine Lewisia: Lewisia pygmaea (old L. pygmaea var. pygmaea) -

10. Partridgefoot: Luetkea pectinata -

*11. Fan-leaf Cinquefoil: Potentilla flabellifolia -

*12. Dwarf Luine: Lupinus sellulus ssp. sellulus var. lobbii -

*13. Silky Lupine: Lupinus sericeus ssp. sericeus var. flexuosus -

*14. Gray's Lovage: Ligusticum grayii -

*15. White Mountain-heather: Cassiope mertensiana var. mertensiana -

*16. Pink Heather: Phyllodoce empetriformis -

*17. Spreading Phlox: Phlox diffusa -

*18. Magenta Paintbrush: Castilleja parviflora var. oreopola -

*19. Woolly Pussytoes: Antennaria lanata -

*20. Smooth Mountain Dandelion: Nothocalais alpestris -

Animals Found at Horseshoe Meadows:

Northern Flicker

Cassins Finch

Dark-eyed Juncos

Golden-crowned Kinglets (includes many fledlings which approach to within several feet)

Red-breasted Nuthatches

Warbling Vireos

This photo shows the gravelly slopes just above treeline below the White Salmon Glacier on Mt. Adams. This spot is near the Bumper, a small rocky outcrop about one mile above Horseshoe Meadows.........July 27, 2006.

This photo shows the gravelly slopes just above treeline below the White Salmon Glacier on Mt. Adams. This spot is near the Bumper, a small rocky outcrop about one mile above Horseshoe Meadows.........July 27, 2006.

Plants Found on Slopes Above Horseshoe Meadows (to about 7000'):

The snow has recently melted from the slopes of this alpine area, with a few drifts found in streambeds above 6000'. In most cases, the flowers found in bloom here are few in number. Full bloom should be found in the area by mid August.

1. Subalpine Fir: Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa -

2. Whitebark Pine: Pinus albicaulis -

3. Mountain Hemlock: Tsuga mertensiana -

*4. Cat's Ear Lily: Calochortus subalpinus -

*5. Bear Grass: Xerophyllum tenax -

*6. Alpine Buckwheat: Eriogonum pyrolifolium var. coryphaeum -

7. Fleeceflower, Newberry's Knotweed: Acogononon davisiae var. davisiae (formerly Polygonum newberryi var. newberryi) -

*8. Pussypaws: Cistanthe umbellata var. caudicifera (formerly Spraguea umbellata or Calyptridium umbellatum) -

9. Slender Mt. Sandwort: Arenaria capillaris var. americana -

10. Cascade Rock Cress: Arabis furcata -

11. Tolmie's Saxifrage: Saxifraga tolmiei -

12. Partridgefoot: Luetkea pectinata -

*13. Fan-leaf Cinquefoil: Potentilla flabellifolia -

14. Western Mt. Ash: Sorbus sitchensis var. cascadensis -

15. Dwarf Luine: Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii -

*16. Silky Lupine: Lupinus sericeus ssp. sericeus var. flexuosus -

17. Martindale's Desert Parsley: Lomatium martindalei -

18. White Mountain-heather: Cassiope mertensiana var. mertensiana -

19. Pink Heather: Phyllodoce empetriformis -

20. Yellow Heather: Phyllodoce glanduliflora -

*21. Spreading Phlox: Phlox diffusa -

*22. Common Paintbrush: Castilleja miniata -

23. Magenta Paintbrush: Castilleja parviflora var. oreopola -

*24. Sickletop Lousewort: Pedicularis racemosa ssp. racemosa -

25. Cliff Penstemon: Penstemon rupicola -

26. Woolly Pussytoes: Antennaria lanata -

*27. Slender Arnica: Arnica gracilis -

*28. Foreign Daisy, Subalpine Daisy: Erigeron glacialis ssp. glacialis -

*29. Cascade Aster: Eucephalus ledophyllus var. ledophyllus -

30. Smooth Mountain Dandelion: Nothocalais alpestris -

*31. Tundra Aster: Oreostemma alpigenum var. alpigenum (formerly Aster alpigenus) -

Animals Found above Horseshoe Meadows:

Pine Siskins

Clark's Nutcracker

Small blue butterflies

This photo shows a smoky view westward from the location in the photo above towards Mt. St. Helens...........July 27, 2006.

This photo shows a smoky view westward from the location in the photo above towards Mt. St. Helens...........July 27, 2006.

Paul Slichter E-mail