Woolly Everlasting, Woolly Pussytoes
Antennaria lanata
Synonym: Antennaria carpatica var. lanata
Close-up views
of the inflorescence as well as the whole plant of woolly pussytoes as photographed at the summit crater
of Potato Hill on the northern side of Mt. Adams.........June 21, 2005.
Additional views of woolly pussytoes as seen along the Round the Mountain Trail at Bird Creek Meadows on the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams..........August 8, 2012.
Woolly pussytoes observed at left along the Round the Mountain Trail #9 east of Trail #183, Mount Adams.......July 19, 2009. The photo at right shows woolly pussytoes in bloom along the upper section of the Shorthorn Trail #16, Mt. Adams Wilderness.......July 10, 2020.
Woolly pussytoes observed at left along the Shorthorn Trail #12 near the ford across Shorthorn Creek, Mount adams Wilderness......July 7, 2021. The photo at right shows woolly pussytoes along the Climber's Trail near the head of Hellroaring Valley, Yakama Nation lands near the head of Hellroaring Valley in Bird Creek Meadows.........August 10, 2023.
Paul Slichter