Cliff Beardtongue, Cliff Penstemon, Rock Penstemon
Penstemon rupicola

The photo above shows the eye-popping color
of cliff penstemon as seen on cliffs above Road #23 about 1/4 mile south of
its intersection with Road #8810 on the southwestern side of Mt.Adams...................June
21, 2005.

The photo above shows the long tubular corolla
of cliff penstemon as seen on rock outcrops above Horseshoe Meadows at the southwestern
corner of Mt. Adams....................July 27, 2006.

The photo above shows the electric pink to
deep rose flowers and broadly ovate, glaucous-surfaced leaves of cliff penstemon
as seen on rock outcrops above Horseshoe Meadows at the southwestern corner
of Mt. Adams....................July 27, 2006.

Cliff penstemon still blooming on lava cliffs at the head of Hellroaring Canyon, Tract D Yakama lands at the southeastern corner of Mount Adams.........August 12, 2013.

The photos on this page were taken on a south
facing cliff on the east side of Hell Roaring Creek just upstream of Heart Lake
on the east side of Mt. Adams..............September 8, 2001.

Paul Slichter