Partridgefoot, Luetkea
Luetkea pectinata
Synonyms: Eriogynia pectinata, Saxifraga pectinata, Spiraea pectinata
Partridgefoot as seen at left on the Ridge of Wonders near Little Mount Adams, Tract D Yakama Nation lands.........August 18, 2012. The photo at right shows partridgefoot in bloom at the base of the terminal moraine of the Adams Glacier near the headwaters of the Lewis River, Mt. Adams Wilderness......July 18, 2018.
Close-up images of the flowers
and stem leaves of partridgefoot as seen along the Highline Trail just above timberline at about
6000' on the northern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 10, 2005. Note
how the 5-part pistil splits into 5 diverging styles.
Partridgefoot blooming at left in moist soils next to a small stream running through High Camp, Mt. Adams.........August 12, 2016. The photo at right shows partridgefoot still in bloom at 7200' near the head of Hellroaring Valley, Yakama Nation lands, Mt. Adams......August 30, 2021.
Partridgefoot as photographed at left atop Potato Hill
which is several miles north of Mt. Adams...........July 11, 2005. The photo at right shows partridgefoot blooming along the Shorthorn Trail #16, Mt. Adams Wilderness......July 7, 2021..
Partridgefoot observed near the headwaters of the Lewis River, Mount Adams Wilderness......August 28, 2021.

The photo above shows the basal cluster of
leaves of partridgefoot as seen along the Highline Trail just above timberline
at about 6000' on the northern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 10, 2005.
Partridgefoot blooming along the Climber's Trail above Hellroaring Overlook at the southeastern side of Mount Adams...........August 12, 2013.

Partridgefoot still in bloom at the base of the Adams Glacier terminal moraine near the headwaters of the Lewis River, Mt. Adams Wilderness.......August 31, 2019.

The photo above shows a close-up of the leaves of partridgefoot
as seen at Bird Creek Meadows on Mt. Adams..........August 4, 2001.

The photo above shows a mat of partridgefoot as seen at HellRoaring
Overlook above Bird Creek Meadows on Mt. Adams............August 4, 2001.
The photo at left shows partridgefoot as seen
along the Round the Mountain Trail #9 between Salt Creek and the Shorthorn
Trail #16 on the southern slopes of Mt. Adams........August 31, 1996. The photo at right shows partridgefoot still in bloom at about 6650' at the base of the western lateral moraine of the Lava Glacier, and about a mile or so west of Red Butte......August 27, 2020.
Paul Slichter