[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2006]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Mt. Adams: Klickitat Fish Hatchery & its Access Road

May 29, 2006

This photo shows the Klickitat River finally running at a reduced rate despite heavy rains which took the lives of several rafters above this point, the previous weekend. Photographed at the Klickitat Fish Hatchery...........May 29, 2006.

This photo shows the Klickitat River finally running at a reduced rate despite heavy rains which took the lives of several rafters above this point, the previous weekend. Photographed at the Klickitat Fish Hatchery...........May 29, 2006.

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.

The following plants were seen at the fish hatchery:

1. Ponderosa Pine: Pinus ponderosa -

2. Douglas' Maple: Acer glabrum - Going to seed.

3. Oregon white Oak: Quercus garryana -

4. Filbert: Corylus cornuta -

5. Creek Dogwood, Red-osier Dogwood: Cornus sericeus (var. occidentalis?) - Hairs mostly appressed within inflorescence & petals slightly longer than 3 mm.

6. Largeleaf Sandwort: Moehringia macrophylla -

7. Soapwort: Saponaria officinalis -

8. Shining Oregon Grape: Berberis aquifolium -

9. Mock Orange: Philadelphus lewisii -

10. Ninebark: Physocarpus capitatus - ?

11. Nootka Rose: Rosa nutkana - Viewed about 200 meters away on east bank of river, plant had large single blossoms.

12. Thimbleberry: Rubus parviflorus var. parviflorus -

13. American Vetch: Vicia americana ssp. americana -

14. Cascara: Frangula purshiana (formerly Rhamnus purshiana) -

15. Oregon Box: Pachistima myrsinites -

16. Nine-leaf Desert Parsley: Lomatium triternatum -

17. Blue Elderberry: Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea -

18. Common Snowberry: Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus -

19. European Corn Salad: Valerianella locusta -

20. Yarrow: Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis -

21. Carey's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza careyana ? - Viewed 200 meters away across river, so id is not confirmed, but this species is abundant on the west side of the river.

22. Oregon Sunshine, Woolly Sunflower: Eriophyllum lanatum var. lanatum

23. Yellow Salsify: Tragopogon dubius -

The following plants were seen along the access road to the hatchery:

1. Miner's Lettuce: Claytonia perfoliata -

2. Western Columbine: Aquilegia formosa -

3. Hairystem Rockcress: Arabis sparsiflora var subvillosa -

4. Woodland Strawberry: Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata -

5. Oceanspray: Holodiscus discolor -

6. Antelope Bitterbrush: Purshia tridentata -

7. Little Wild Rose: Rosa gymnocarpa -

8. Columbia Gorge Lupine: Lupinus latifolius (var. thompsonianus ?) -

9. White-leaved Lupine: Lupinus leucophyllus -

10. Redstem Ceanothus: Ceanothus sanguineus -

11. Spreading Dogbane: Apocynum androsaemifolium - In bud.

12. Ball-head Waterleaf: Hydrophyllum capitatum var. capitatum -

13. Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary: Collinsia parviflora -

14. Broadleaf Starflower: Trientalis borealis ssp. latifolia -

Animals Seen Along this Route:

Stellers Jays

Barn Swallows

Cliff Swallows

Violet-green Swallows

American Robins

Belted Kingfisher

Paul Slichter E-mail