[Chemistry Assignments]

Enzyme Inquiry Writeup Homework Part II


Lab Homework for Friday & Vacation:

Refer to the two handouts of sample lab writeups to help improve your writing.

Data Tables & Graph:

A) From this point onwards, you need to write all of this inquiry in your own words. Likewise, all tables and graphs need to represent your own work!

B) Break up big tables into smaller tables. This is a good way to make your tables different than those of your team mates. Provide a title for each and all labels. Hint: Arrange your trials so it is easy to calculate the means & standard deviation from them on Excel.

C) Final Data Table should have a title relating back to your question. This is what you will be graphing.

D) Graph Final Data (See question.) plus S.D. error bars. (See below for links to info on how to create error bars.)



A) Restate your hypothesis.

B) State general results (look at your graph).

C) State specific results from each concentration or temp tested. Results are the mean +/- S.D.... (Ex: 5.6 mm/sec +/- 0.5 mm/sec.)

D) Discuss whether your results support, not support, or partially support your hypothesis.

E) Explain your reasoning for D above.

F) Discuss what your S.D. means about the data you collected. Are all parts of your data collection valid? Is there overlap of error bars? If the latter, what would that mean about that part of your results?.....



A) List problems in your procedure or technique which could have led to collection of inaccurate data.

B) List specific steps to improve each problems.

[Planning a], [Planning b], [Data Collection], [Data Preparation and Presentation], [Conclusion & Experiment Analysis]. Equations and Formula to Manipulate your Data With. See the following website for further information on writing up IB lab inquiries: Lab Write-ups .

Standard Deviation:

a) An Example of how to set up the data table from the water pollution lab.

b) Directions on how to calculate mean and standard deviation using Microsoft Excel.

c) Directions on how to place standard deviation error bars on your graph using Microsoft Excel .

[Planning Suggestions: Part I]
