[Currently Blooming Wildflowers in the Pacific Northwest] - [Wildflower Hikes and Trips in Central and Eastern Oregon]

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Wildflowers in Bloom in Central and Eastern Oregon


The Strawberry Mountain Range from a viewpoint along US Highway 26 several miles northeast of Prairie City, OR........June 22, 2011.

The Strawberry Mountain Range as seen from a viewpoint along US Highway 26 several miles northeast of Prairie City, OR............June 22, 2011. The high point at the center right of the photo is Strawberry Mt.

September 28, 2011: Steens Mountain - I received a report this week that there's still quite a bit of wildflower bloom along the summit ridge of the Steens Mountain, especially in riparian areas or where the snow has remained late into the season (There's still quite a few snow patches remaining on north-facing steep slopes.). The report was that the endemic Steens Mountain thistle (Cirsium peckii), orange sneezeweed (Hymenoxis hoopesii), longleaf arnica (Arnica longifolia), hairy arnica (Arnica mollis), common paintbrush (Castilleja peckiana), Peck's paintbrush (Castilleja peckiana), pleated gentian (Gentiana affins) and many others are still blooming, although they are limited in distribution. The seed heads of four buckwheats are still quite pretty. The spectacular Nevada springbeauty (Claytonia nevadensis) was also reported to be in the process of beginning its bloom in the upper elevation streams.

August 30 to September 3, 2011: Fish Lake Campground

August 31 and September 2, 2011: Riparian areas along the upper portion of the Steens Mountain South Loop Road:

August 31 and September 1: Steens Mountain summit ridge within 100 meters of the Steens Mountain North Loop Road between the Kiger Gorge Overlook and the Steens Mountain Summit.

August 31 through September 2: Steens Mountain North Loop Road between Fish Lake Campground and the Kiger Gorge Overlook access road.

August 30: Steens Mountain North Loop Road Between Page Springs and Fish Lake Campground

August 20, 2011: Oregon Highway 19 along the John Day River - Most of the herbaceous bloom has finished along this route, although Cusick's monkeyflower (Mimulus cusickii) still continues to bloom between Service Creek and Kimberley. It's now the time of the sunflower family shrubs in this arid climate, with the following beginning to bloom: gray rabbitbrush, (Ericameria nauseosa ssp speciosa), Columbia goldenweed (Ericameria resinosa) and matchbrush (Gutierezia sarothrae) all beginning to bloom. There's also quite a bit of (Eriogonum microthecum var. ) to be found along this route too.

August 18-20: Logan Valley (Malheur National Forest)

August 20, 2011: Summit Prairie (Malheur National Forest)

August 19, 2011: Canyon Mountain Trail #218 (Strawberry Mountain Wilderness)

August 18, 2011: Strawberry Mountain (Strawberry Mountain Wilderness) from the Roads End Trailhead

August 2-4, 2011: Logan Valley (Malheur National Forest)

August 3, 2011: Strawberry Mountain (Strawberry Mountain Wilderness) from the Roads End Trailhead

August 2, 2011: Monument Rock Wilderness

August 2, 2011: Summit Prairie (Malheur National Forest)

August 1, 2011: Canyon Mountain Trail #218 (Strawberry Mountain Wilderness)

August 1, 2011: Oregon Highway 19 between Condon, OR and the junction with US Highway 26 at Picture Gorge

August 1, 2011: Oregon Highway 206 between Wasco, OR and Condon, OR

Late July, 2011: Zumwalt Prairie (Wallowa-Whitman National Forest) - I've received news that Zumwalt Prairie is near its peak for wildflower bloom, including the slopes around Buckhorn Lookout immediately north of the prairie. I'd guess that the same holds true for the flower-filled slopes along the road between Imnaha, OR and Hat Point in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.

June 26, 2011: Southern Logan Valley (along FS Rd 1647) - A Native Plant Society of Oregon Field Trip

June 25, 2011: Antelope Mountain Lookout - A Native Plant Society of Oregon Field Trip

June 25, 2011: Summit Prairie highlights - A Native Plant Society of Oregon Field Trip

June 23 & 24, 2011: Logan Valley - A Native Plant Society of Oregon Field Trip

June 24, 2011: Fields Peak - A Native Plant Society of Oregon Field Trip

June 22, 2011: Baldy Mt. - A Native Plant Society of Oregon Field Trip

June 22, 2011: Viewpoint on US 26 northeast of Prairie City, OR

June 21, 2011: Canyon Mt. Trail #218 - A Native Plant Society of Oregon Field Trip

June 21, 2011: Oregon Highway 19 (Condon, OR to junction with US Highway 26 at Picture Gorge)

June 21, 2011: Oregon Highway 206 (Wasco, OR to Condon, OR)

2011 Native Plant Society of Oregon Annual Meeting: June 24-26 at Lake Creek Camp, Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest [Field Trips] [General Meeting Info]

June 5, 2011: Canyon Mt.

June 3-5, 2011: Logan Valley

June 4, 2011: Riley Creek Trail (Riley Meadows to the crossing of Riley Creek)

June 4, 2011: Antelope Mountain Lookout

June 3, 2011: Pine Creek Road from US Highway 26 to vicinity of Pine Creek Trailhead (north access to Baldy Mt.)

June 3, 2011: Viewpoint on US Highway 26 northeast of Prairie City, OR

June 2, 2011: Oregon Highway 19 - Condon, OR to US Highway 26

June 2, 2011: Oregon Highway 206 - Wasco, OR to Condon, OR

The Strawberry Mountain Range as seen from a viewpoint along US Highway 26 several miles northeast of Prairie City, OR............June 3, 2011.

The Strawberry Mountain Range as seen from a viewpoint along US Highway 26 several miles northeast of Prairie City, OR............June 3, 2011. The high point at the center right of the photo is Strawberry Mt. There was a constant drizzle all day in Prairie City and John Day on June 2 with fresh snow above about 3500'.

Paul Slichter E-mail