[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2006]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Bench Lake

Mt. Adams: Yakama Nation lands

July 17, 2006

Mt. Adams from Bench Lake

The southeastern slpes of Mt. Adams and the cinder cone of Little Mt. Adams can be seen as a mirror-glass reflection in Bench Lake..........July 17, 2006.

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.

* 1. Yellow Pond-lily: Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala -

* 2. Queen's Cup/ Bead Lily: Clintonia uniflora -

3. Wood Lily: Trillium ovatum - Past bloom.

* 4. Slender Bog Orchid: Platanthera stricta (Habenaria saccata) -

* 5. Starwort: Stellaria sp. - Diminutive species in moist areas with corolla lobes less than calyx lobes.

* 6. Western Bugbane: Trautvettaria caroliniensis var. occidentalis -

* 7. Five-stamen Mitrewort: Mitella pentandra -

* 8. Oneleaf Foamflower: Tiarella trifoliata var. unifoliata -

* 9. Fan-leaf Cinquefoil: Potentilla flabellifola -

* 10. Dwarf Bramble: Rubus lasiococcus -

* 11. Subalpine Spiraea: Spiraea splendens var. splendens (S. densiflora) -

* 12. Burke's Lupine: Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. burkei -

* 13. Marsh Violet: Viola palustris -

* 14. Cow Parsnip: Heracleum maximum -

* 15. Gray's Lovage: Ligusticum grayii -

* 16. Cascade Azalea: Rhododendron albiflorum var. albiflorum -

17. Bog Huckleberry: Vaccinium uliginosum -

* 18. Sitka Valerian: Valeriana sitchensis -

* 19. Broad-leaf Arnica: Arnica latifolia -

* 20. Subalpine Daisy: Erigeron glacialis ssp. glacialis -

* 21. Arrowleaf Groundsel: Senecio triangularis -

Paul Slichter