[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2005] [Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. Prior to 2005]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Mt. Adams : North Side of Mt. Adams Between the Highline Trail #114 and Lava Glacier

July 23, 2005

This photo shows the north side of Mt. Adams on July 23, 2005. The glacier descending from the right to the center of the photo is the Lava Glacier. The two lobes of the Lyman Glacier (which arises at the summit) can be seen at left. The photo was taken at about 7600'.

This photo shows the north side of Mt. Adams on July 23, 2005. The glacier descending from the right to the center of the photo is the Lava Glacier. The two lobes of the Lyman Glacier (which arises at the summit) can be seen at left. The photo was taken at about 7600'.

Approximate Treeline on Trail #114: N46 15.457' --- W121 28.760' --- 6170' --- +/- 20'

Highest Point Reached on Moraines at the Base of Lava Glacier: N46 13.957' --- W121 29.16' --- ~7750' ---+/- 18'

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.

*1. Showy Sedge: Carex spectabilis -

*2. Wood-rush: Luzula species ? - Moist open ground up to 7000'

3. Subalpine Fir: Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa - Scattered. Mostly found below 6300'.

4. Whitebark Pine: Pinus albicaulis - Small plants found up to 8000', larger ones to about 7500'.

*5. Willow: Salix sp.(possibly Salix barclayi ? ) -

*6. Cushion Buckwheat: Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale -

*7. Alpine Buckwheat, Dirty Socks: Eriogonum pyrolifolium -

*8. Fleeceflower, Newberry's Knotweed:Aconogonon davisiae var. davisiae (Polygonum newberryi) -

*9. Pussypaws: Cistanthe umbellata var. caudicifera (formerly Spraguea umbellata) -

*10. Slender Mountain Sandwort: Arenaria capillaris ssp. americana - In full bloom above, but out of bloom below.

*11. Alpine Sandwort: Minuartia obtusiloba -

*12. Cascade Catchfly: Silene suksdorfii -

*13. Cascade Rock Cress: Arabis furcata var. furcata - Only in bloom above 7400'.

*14. Lyall's Rock Cress: Arabis lyallii - Plants in bloom and in fruit.

*15. Alpine Smelowskia: Smelowskia calycina var. americana -

*16. Tolmie's Saxifrage: Saxifraga tolmiei - Fading from bloom.

*17. Gordon's Ivesia: Ivesia gordonii -

*18. Partridgefoot: Luetkea pectinata - Fading from bloom.

*19. Sibbaldia: Sibbaldi procumbens - Found in the Devils Garden, although a few were seen in the flood plain of the Muddy Fork along Trail #114 (long past bloom).

*20. Low Mountain Lupine: Lupinus sellulus ssp. sellulus var. lobbii -

*21. Mt. Adams Lupine: Lupinus sericeus ssp. sericeus var. flexuosus - Many with saccate to spurred calyces. Found from timberline up to about 7300'.

*22. Spreading Phlox: Phlox diffusa ssp. longistylis -

*23. Henderson's Phlox: Phlox hendersonii - Fading from bloom. Seems to bloom a week or two earlier than P. diffusa at the same altitude.

*24. Sky-pilot, Elegant Jacob's Ladder: Polemonium elegans - Nearing the end of its bloom period.

*25. Silky Phacelia, Alpine Phacelia: Phacelia sericea ssp. sericea - Fading out of bloom below, still blooming above 7100'.

*26. Magenta Paintbrush: Castilleja parviflora var. oreopola - Found in moist areas feeding into the 2 upper branches of Muddy Fork Creek.

*27. Thompson's Paintbrush: Castilleja thompsonii -

*28. Lewis' Monkeyflower: Mimulus lewisii - Found along streams feeding into the 2 upper branches of Muddy Fork Creek.

*29. Davidson's Penstemon: Penstemon davidsonii var. davidsonii - Fading from bloom.

*30. Small-flowered Penstemon: Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei -

*31. Yarrow: Achillea millefolium var. alpicola -

32. Pale Agoseris: Agoseris glauca var. monticola - Basal leaves only.

*33. Alpine Pussytoes: Antennaria media (formerly A. alpina) - Found in bloom above 7400'.

*34. Mountain Arnica: Arnica gracilis -

*35. Alpine Aster: Aster alpigenus var. alpigenus -

*36. Cutleaf Daisy / Dwarf Mountain Fleabane: Erigeron compositus -

*37. Oregon Sunshine, Woolly Sunflower: Eriophyllum lanatum var. lanatum -

*38. Slender Hawkweed: Hieracium gracile var. gracile -

*39. Dwarf Alpinegold: Hulsea nana -

*40. Dwarf Goldenrod: Solidago simplex ssp. simplex var. nana -

*41. Lyall's Goldenweed: Tonestus lyallii -

This photo shows the northern face of Mt. Adams at sunset...........July 23, 2005.

This photo shows the northern face of Mt. Adams at sunset.........July 23, 2005.

Animals Seen at this Site:


9 Mountain Goats in 2 herds on the lower portions of the western lateral moraine for Lyman Glacier

Canada Jays / Camp Robbers - includes young, newly fledged birds


Horned Larks

Dark-eyed Juncos

Male and female Cassin's Finches

Paul Slichter E-mail