Lyall's Goldenweed, Lyall's Serpentweed
Tonestus lyallii
Synonym: Haplopappus lyallii

The photo above shows a close-up view of both
the disk and ray flowers of Lyall's goldenweed as seen along the Highline Trail
#114 near the eastern branch of the Muddy Fork Creek, near 6900' on the northern
slopes of Mt. Adams..........July 11, 2005.

The photo above shows a close-up view of both
the stem leaves and involucral bracts of Lyall's goldenweed as seen along the
Highline Trail #114 near the eastern branch of the Muddy Fork Creek, near 6900'
on the northern slopes of Mt. Adams.........July 11, 2005. Note
the numerous gland-tipped hairs on both the undeside of the leaves as well as
the involucral bracts.

The photo above shows a close-up of the basal
leaves of a young Lyall's goldenweed as seen along the Highline Trail #114 near
the eastern branch of the Muddy Fork Creek, near 6900' on the northern slopes
of Mt. Adams..........July 11, 2005. In this photo, the leaves appear very
similar to those of Stenotus acaulis, (formerly known as Haplopappus
acaulis) which is found in eastern Oregon.

The photo above shows a close-up view of both
the stem-leaves and involucral bracts of Lyall's goldenweed as seen along the
Highline Trail #114 near the eastern branch of the Muddy Fork Creek, near 6900'
on the northern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 11, 2005.

The photo above shows Lyall's goldenweed as
seen along the Highline Trail #114 near the eastern branch of the Muddy Fork
Creek, near 6900' on the northern slopes of Mt. Adams........July 11,

Lyall's goldenweed as seen with Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii and Silene suksdorfii at the east rim of the upper Killen Creek Basin, at a pass that leads to slopes uphill to the south of Foggy Flats, Mt. Adams..........August 11, 2016.

All photos on this page of Lyall's goldenweed were taken at
an approximate elevation of 7600' on a ridge slightly northeast of High Camp
on the north side of Mt. Adams.........August 2, 2003.

The photo above shows a basal or lower stem
leaf of Lyall's goldenweed.