[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2005] [Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. Prior to 2005]

Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. of Washington

Mt. Adams : Rocky meadow on north side of road K6000

May 22, 2005

Small-flowered Prairie Stars: Lithophragma parviflorum

Small-flowered Prairie Stars: Lithophragma parviflorum

Rd K6000 runs west and sharply uphill from the Mt. Adams Highway to the Hellroaring Ditch and then further upwards to above 4000' in elevation near the boundaries of both the Gifford Pinchot NF and Yakama Nation.

N46 06.241' --- W121 19.137' --- Elevation: 2780 --- +/- 22'

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.


1. Bracken Fern: Pteridium aquilinum - Fiddlenecks arising now.

2. California Hazelnut: Corylus cornuta var. californica -

3. Tapertip Onion: Allium accuminatum - In bud.

*4. Rock Onion: Allium macrum - Beginning to bloom. Grooved leaves longer than the peduncle and inflorescence.

5. Cascade Mariposa Lily, Cat's-ear Lily: Calochortus subalpinus - In bud.

6. White Brodiaea: Triteleia (Brodiaea) hyacinthina - In bud.

*7. Panicled Death-camas: Zigadenous paniculatus - Fading out of bloom.

*8. Douglas' Knotweed: Polygonum douglasii -

*9. Sheep-sorrel: Rumex acetosella - A few plants present near the road.

*10. Three-leaf Lewisia: Lewisia triphylla -

*11. Line-leaf Montia: Montia linearis -

*12. Large-leaf Sandwort: Moehringia macrophylla -

*13. Upland Larkspur: Delphinium nuttallianum -

*14. Cascade Oregon Grape: Mahonia (Berberis) aquifolium -

*15. Bulblet Prairie Star: Lithophragma bulbifera - Only several still in bloom.

*16. Small-flowered Prairie Star: Lithophragma parviflora -

*17. Northwestern Saxifrage: Saxifraga integrifolia var. claytonaefolia ? -

*18. Woods Strawberry: Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata -

*19. Broad-petaled Strawberry: Fragaria virginiana var. platypetala -

20. Pink Pinwheels: Horkelia fusca ssp. fusca -

21. Cinquefoil: Potentilla arguta or Potentilla glandulosa - Plants still small yet.

22. Black Raspberry: Rubus leucodermis -

23. Spiraea: Spiraea sp. - Leaves only.

*24. Baker's Violet: Viola bakeri (V. nuttallii var. bakeri) -

*25. Marsh Violet: Viola palustris - Found at small seep and stream that crosses the road about 50 meters downhill.

*26. Desert Parsley: Lomatium leptocarpum ? or other, small lomatium -

27. Nine-leaf Desert Parsley: Lomatium triternatum var. triternatum -

28. Pinemat Manzanita: Arctostaphylos nevadensis -

29. Pipsissewa: Chimaphila umbellata ssp. umbellata -

30. Flytrap Dogbane: Apocynum androsaemifolium -

*31. Midget Phlox: Phlox (Microsteris) gracilis -

*32. Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary: Collinsia parviflora -

33. Tapertip Penstemon: Penstemon attenuatus - Not in bloom yet.

*34. Naked Broomrape: Orobanche uniflora var. purpurea - Flowers are very dark blue-purple.

35. Orange Honeysuckle: Lonicera ciliosa - Lower leaves only.

*36. Small Tarweed: Madia minima - Common

37. Rough Aster: Eurybia radulina (formerly Aster radulinus)- Only several leaves (toothed on distal 1/3-1/2) present.

*38. Nodding Microseris: Microseris nutans - Beginning to bloom in the surrounding forest.

*39. Common Dandylion: Taraxacum officinale - A few at this site.

Animals Seen at this Site:

1. Small skink

2. Dark-eyed Junco

3. Black-headed Grosbeak

Paul Slichter E-mail