Bear Berries, Manzanita and Kinnikinnicks: The Genus Arctostaphylos -
Mountain and Moss Heathers: The Genus Cassiope -
Prince's Pines or Pipsissewas: The Genus Chimaphila -
Wintergreens: The Genus Gaultheria -
Laurels: The Genus Kalmia -
Fool's Huckleberry: The Genus Menziesia -
Single Delight: The Genus Moneses -
Indian-pipes & Pinesaps: The Genus Monotropa -
Wintergreens and Pyrolas: The Genus Orthilia -
Mountain Heathers: The Genus Phyllodoce -
Pinedrops: The Genus Pterospora - Plants without green leaves. Stems yellowish to reddish-brown, glandular-hairy, and over 25 cm tall and about 1 cm thick. Plants are saprophytic.
Wintergreens and Pyrolas: The Genus Pyrola -
Azaleas. Labrador Teas, and Rhododendrons: The Genus Rhododendron -
Blueberries, Cranberries and Huckleberries: The Genus Vaccinium -