Creeping-snowberry, Creeping Snowberry, Moxieplum, Maidenhair Berry: Gaultheria hispidula (Synonyms: Chiogenes hispidula, Vaccinium hispidulum) - Leaves 4-10 mm long. Flowers with 4 calyx-lobes and 4 corolla-lobes. Flowers single in leaf axils.
Alpine Wintergreen, Alpine Spicy Wintergreen, Matted Wintergreen: Gaultheria humifusa (Synonyms: Gaultheria myrsinites, Vaccinium humifusum) - Leaves 1-2 cm long. Flowers with 5 calyx-lobes and 5 corolla-lobes. Flowers single in the leaf axils. Calyx glabrous.
Oregon Wintergreen, Slender Wintergreen, Western Teaberry : Gaultheria ovatifolia ? - Leaves 2-4 cm long. Flowers with 5 calyx-lobes and 5 corolla-lobes. Flowers single in the leaf axils. Calyx covered with long, brownish-red hairs.
Salal: Gaultheria shallon - Leaves 5-9 cm long. Flowers with 5 calyx-lobes and 5 corolla-lobes. Flowers 5-15 in terminal to subterminal racemes.