[Wildflower Bloom Reports for the Columbia River Gorge: 2015]

Wildflowers Currently in Bloom in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

Columbia Hills State Park

February 15, 2015

View from the Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve: February 4, 2009

The photo above shows woollypod milkvetch (Astragalus purshii) as seen in bloom.

Sunday's weather was mostly sunny with temperatures in the low to mid 50s. Due to a light breeze, light sweater or light coat were needed to stay warm when standing still.

* indicates the wildflower is currently in bloom.

Tapertip Onion: Allium accuminatum - Leaves only.

Heartleaf Buckwheat: Eriogonum compositum var. compositum

Douglas' Buckwheat: Eriogonum sphaerocephalum var. sublineare

Upland Larkspur: Delphinium nuttallianum - Basal leaves present

* Obscure Buttercup, The Dalles Mt. Buttercup: Ranunculus triternatus

* Spring Whitlow-grass: Draba verna - Very numerous.

Smooth Prairie Stars: Lithophragma glabrum

Yakima Milkvetch: Astragalus reventiformis - Leaves emerging from the ground.

Small-flowered Lupine: Lupinus latifolius X sericeus (Synonym: Lupinus latifolius var. thompsonianus) - Leaves emerging from the ground.

Velvet Lupine: Lupinus leucophyllus x sericeus (Synonym: Lupinus Leucophyllus var. leucophyllus ? in Washington, Lupinus sericeus in Russ Jolley's book on Gorge wildflowers.) - Dried remains of last years plants seen. This blooms in both spring and fall.

Filaree: Erodium cicutarium

* Canby's Desert Parsley: Lomatium canbyi

* Gorman's Salt and Pepper: Lomatium gormanii

* Klickitat Desert Parsley: Lomatium klickitatense - Beginning to bloom.

Biscuitroot: Lomatium macrocarpum

Bare-stem Desert Parsley: Lomatium nudicaule

* Butterfly-loving (Pungent) Desert Parsley: Lomatium papilioniferum - Beginning to bloom.

* Salt and Pepper: Lomatium piperi - Near peak bloom in the park.

Nine-leaf Desert Parsley: Lomatium triternatum var. triternatum

Columbia Frasera: Frasera albicaulis var. nitida - Basal leaves only.

Hood's Phlox: Phlox hoodii

Ballhead Waterleaf: Hydrophyllum capitatum var. thompsonii

* Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary: Collinsia parviflora - Beginning to bloom.

Hotrock Penstemon: Penstemon deustus var. variabilis

* Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza deltoidea x careyana - Beginning to bloom.

* Gold Stars: Crocidium multicaule - Fairly numerous.

Animals Seen Along This Route Today:

Mule Deer - Numerous.

California Ground Squirrels

Pair of Golden Eagles

Red-tailed Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk - One or two seem to be hanging out around the Dalles Mt. Ranch buildings.




German Partridge

Northern Flickers

Stellers Jays

Scrub Jays

Western Meadowlarks

Horned Larks

American Robins

Dark-eyed Juncos

The Uncle (small, colorful moth) - Numerous

Paul Slichter