[Wildflower Hikes and Trips of Central and Eastern Oregon]

Wildflower Hikes and Trips of Northeastern Oregon

Baker, Umatilla and Wallowa Counties

A view west over Zumwalt Prairie, June 27, 2008.

A view west over Zumwalt Prairie from the Zumwalt-Buckhorn Road.......June 27, 2008.

Trail or Trip Specific Plant Lists for Northeastern Oregon Listed Chronologically from Most Recent Backwards in Time:

Comprehensive Plant Lists for Baker, Umatilla and Wallowa Counties

Note: This page will be reorganized with links to pages containing specific hike or trip destinations that include driving directions, maps, plant lists, etc at some time in the future (winter of 2019-2020).

July 16-20, 2019: Lick Creek Campground, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area

July 19, 2019: McCully Creek Trail #1812 from the trailhead to the crossing of McCully Creek (too high to cross without getting very wet), Wallowa-Whitman National Forest and Eagle Cap Wilderness

July 18, 2019: Deadman Canyon Trail #1869 from the Fish Lake Trailhead to the Eagle Cap Wilderness boundary atop Sugarloaf Mountain, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest

July 17, 2019: Lick Creek Trail #1809, from the trailhead to Lick Creek (Eagle Cap Wilderness boundary), Hells Canyon National Recreation Area

August 13, 2018: Deadman Canyon Trail #1869 from Fish Lake CG to Sugarloaf Mountain (Wallowa-Whitman National Forest and Eagle Cap Wilderness)

August 12, 2018: Tenderfoot Trail #1819 and the Bonny Lakes Trail #1802 to Bonny Lakes (Eagle Cap Wilderness)

August 11, 2018: Lick Creek Trail #1809 (Hells Canyon National Recreation Area & Eagle Cap Wilderness)

August 11-14, 2018: Lick Creek Campground (Hells Canyon National Recreation Area)

June 12, 2018: North Fork Catherine Creek Trail #1905 (Eagle Cap Wilderness and Wallowa-Whitman National Forest)

June 10-13, 2018: Catherine Creek State Park

August 4, 2016: East Fork Lostine River Trail #1662 From Two Pan Trailhead to Milepost 4.6 (Eagle Cap Wilderness and Wallowa-Whitman National Forest)

August 3, 2016: Maxwell Lake Trail #1674 and at Shady Forest Camp (Eagle Cap Wilderness and Wallowa-Whitman National Forest)

July 24, 2012: Lake Creek Trail #3079 & Umatilla Rim Trail #3080 to the north side of High Ridge, Umatilla National Forest.

July 1, 2012: Bald Mt., Umatilla National Forest. A Washington Native Plant Society Hike

July 1, 2012: Jubilee Lake Trail, Umatilla National Forest. A Washington Native Plant Society Hike

June 30, 2012: Lake Creek Trail #3079 & Umatilla Rim Trail #3080, Umatilla National Forest. A Washington Native Plant Society Hike

June 29, 2012: Roadside Plants along Forest Service Road #64 between Jubilee Lake Campground and Mottet Campground, Umatilla National Forest.

June 28, 2008: Hells Canyon Rim Road, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area -

June 27, 2008: - Trail: Buckhorn Lookout towards Eureka Viewpoint. Trailhead about one mile north of Buckhorn Lookout. Take right fork of trail at one-half mile mark and descend along old road towards the Snake River another mile to mile and a half. This study lists plants seen along this old road down to an elevation of about 4000'.

June 26 & 27, 2008: Buckhorn Lookout, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest -

June 26, 2008: Buckhorn Campground, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest -

June 26, 2008: Table Mt., Wallowa-Whitman National Forest -

June 25, 2008: Coyote Campground, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest -

June 25, 2008: Emigrant Road from Cabbage Hill east to Kamela, OR -

July 10, 2007: Road to Hat Point, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area

July 9, 2007: Road across Zumwalt Prairie to Buckhorn Lookout

July 8, 2007: Lostine River Road & Irondyke Campground

June 26, 2007: Road to Hat Point, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area

June 24, 2007: Umatilla Rim Trail 33080, Umatilla National Forest - A WNPS Field Trip

June 28, 2004: Point Prominence, Wallowa-Whitman NF (west edge of the Minam River Canyon)

June 27, 2004: FS Rd #31- Interstate 84 to Phillips Creek, Umatilla & Wallowa-Whitman National Forests

June 26, 2004: Lower Hurricane Creek, Eagle Cap Wilderness

July 7 & 8, 1999- Wallowa-Whitman NF & Hells Canyon National Scenic Area: Imnaha, OR to Hat Point

July 7, 1999- Wallowa-Whitman NF: Zumwalt-Buckhorn Road (Enterprise, OR to Buckhorn Viewpoint)

July 6, 1999- OR Highway 204 (Weston, OR to Spout Springs)

July 6, 1999- Cabbage Hill (Mission, OR to Squaw Creek Overlook)

May 30, 1999- Buckhorn Campground, Overlook, and Vicinity.

May 29, 1999- Zumwalt-Buckhorn Road from Enterprise, OR to Buckhorn Overlook

May 29, 1999- Squaw Creek Overlook (off of Interstate 84, just within the Umatilla Indian Reservation? ) -T1N R35E

May 29, 1999- Emmigrant Springs State Park - T1N R34.5E

May 28 & 29, 1999- Old Road from Pendleton to Emmigrant Springs State Park

June 24, 1998- Wallowa-Whitman N.F.: Elkhorn Scenic Byway

July 26, 1997- Wallowa/Whitman N.F. (Eagle Cap Wilderness)- Bowman Trail

July 25, 1997- Wallowa/Whitman N.F. (Eagle Cap Wilderness)- Frances Lake Trail

July 24, 1997- Wallowa/Whitman N.F.- Lostine Wild & Scenic River

Online Resources:

Umatilla National Forest

Wallowa-Whitman National Forest

Paul Slichter E-mail