[Bloom Reports for the Washington Cascades] - [Gifford Pinchot National Forest]
* Indicates the wildflower is in bloom.
1. White Bark Pine: Pinus albicaulis - Quite a few mature trees can still be seen above 6000' at the western edge of Bird Creek Meadows.
2. Mt. Hemlock: Tsuga mertensiana -
3. Unidentified Sedge: Carex sp. -
* 4. Merten's Rush: Juncus mertensianus -
* 5. Subalpine Lupine: Lupinus latifolius var. subalpinus - Surprisingly, quite a few plants of this species trying to rebloom at 7000'.
*6. Low Mt. Lupine: Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii - A couple of plants still in bloom.
*7. Silky Lupine: Lupinus sericeus ssp. sericeus var. flexuosus - Several plants seen still in bloom.
* 8. Martindale's Desert Parsley: Lomatium martindalei - A couple of plants still in bloom along Trail #9.
9. Dwarf Bilberry: Vaccinium caespitosum - The tasty berries are ripe and the leaves have turned a brilliant red color!
*10. Mt. Bog Gentian: Gentiana calycosa var. calycosa - The most common wildflower in bloom at this time. Found mainly in meadows near Trail #9.
* 11. Magenta Paintbrush: Castilleja parviflora var. oreopola - A couple of plants still trying to bloom near 6500'.
*12. Cascade Aster: Eucephalus ledophyllus var. ledophyllus (formerly Aster ledophyllus) -
*13. Arrow-leaf Groundsel: Senecio triangularis - A number of plants still in bloom in streams in the Bird Creek Meadows area.
Large owl? (no horns?)
Red-tailed Hawks
several Cooper's Hawks
Blue Grouse - one male seen
Crossbills ? - A flock seen at distance plucking seeds from fir cones.
Mountain Chickadee - several
Dark-eyed Junco- numerous
Red-breasted Nuthatches - several
Yellow-rumped Warbler -several
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - numerous
Camp Robber / Gray Jay- several
Clark's Nutcracker- a few seen at this altitude
Northern Flicker
Least Chipmunks: Tamias minimus ? - several
California Tortoiseshell - One seen making a beeline south before the next day's snowfall hits.
Small orangish-brown butterfly, about the size of a crescent, also flying south with no stopping.
White Butterfly - Unknown species investigating the few flowers in bloom.