Dwarf Bilberry, Dwarf Blueberry, Dwarf Huckleberry
Vaccinium cespitosum
Synonyms Vaccinium arbuscula, Vaccinium caespitosum, Vaccinium caespitosum var. arbuscula, Vaccinium caespitosum var. caespitosum, Vaccinium caespitosum var. paludicolia, Vaccinium cespitosum var. arbuscula, Vaccinium cespitosum var. cespitosum, Vaccinium cespitosum var. paludicola, Vaccinium nivictum
The image at left shows he tiny blue berry of dwarf huckleberry which is very flavorful. Photographed in meadows at the western edge of Bird Creek Meadows on Mt. Adams........August 13, 2006. The image at right shows dwarf blueberry blooming in wetlands at Willard Springs, Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge......May 2, 2024. Note the narrow bell-shaped flowers which help identify this from the similar Vaccinium deliciosum which has more globose flowers.
The upper surface of the leaf blade of dwarf huckleberry. Notice the oblanceolate leaf shape and the toothed margins which are found at the tip of the blade. Photographed in meadows at the western edge of Bird Creek Meadows on Mt. Adams.......August 13, 2006. Notice the distinct netted pattern of veins on the lower surface of the leaf blade which helps distinguish this species from that of Cascade blueberry.
What may be dwarf huckleberry as seen along the Round the Mountain Trail #9 in western Bird Creek Meadows (between Crooked and Gotchen Creeks), Mt. Adams.........August 13, 2017.
This photo shows the bright red foliage of dwarf huckleberry as seen along the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 as seen near Riley Trail
#64 on the western slopes of Mt. Adams........September 25, 2005. It is found here interspersed amongst pink heather, Phyllodoce empetriformis.
Paul Slichter