1. Noble Fir: Abies procera -
2. Heartleaf Springbeauty: Claytonia cordifolia -
* 3. Little-leaf Miner's Lettuce: Montia parvifolia - One plant still in full bloom.
4. Bladder Campion: Silene vulgaris (formerly S. cucuballus) - Seen going to seed downslope of the culvert outlet at M.P. 43.
5. Western Bugbane: Trautvettaria carliniensis var. occidentalis - Only leaves seen at small creek with culvert.
* 6. Oregon Stonecrop: Sedum oreganum ssp. oreganum - One plant still in bloom.
* 7. Broadleaf Lupine: Lupinus latifolius var. latifolius - Only one plant seen in bloom.
* 8. Red Clover: Trifolium pratense - A few of this species are still blooming.
* 9. Fireweed: Chamaenerion angustifolium - Several plants still well in bloom, although most plants of this species are going to seed.
* 10. Wild Carrot: Daucus carota ssp. carota - Several plants still well into bloom.
* 11. Cascade Penstemon: Penstemon serrulatus - A number of plants still trying to bloom.
* 12. Common Mullein: Verbascum thapsus - Only one plant seen in bloom.
* 13. Cleavers / Annual Bedstraw: Galium aparine -
14. Blue Elderberry: Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea - Berries still green.
* 15. Pearly Everlasting: Anaphalis margaritacea - Fairly common.
* 16. Giant mountain Aster: Canadanthus modestus (formerly Aster modestus) - 1 plant strangely on dry gravelly slopes, although a number were seen at about 3500' in the ditch along Rd 23.
* 17. Bull Thistle: Cirsium vulgare - One plant in bloom, but most are going to seed.
* 18. Smooth Hawksbeard: Crepis capillaris - Several plants still in bloom but looking very sad.
* 19. Meadow Hawkweed: Hieracium caespitosum (formerly Hieracium pratense) - Several plants in bloom, but all are looking very ragged.
* 20. Oxeye Daisy: Leucanthemum vulgare - Fairly common.
* 21. Cudweed: Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. microcephalum - A few of this species are to be found in bloom at this location.
* 22. Tansy Ragwort: Senecio jacobaea - Several well worn plants seen.