[Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: 2005] [Wildflower Bloom in the Cascade Mts. Prior to 2005]

Wildflower Bloom in Mt. Adams Country

Various Locations along Forest Road 82 (Gifford Pinchot NF) Between 2800' and 4000'

May 7, 2005

Carey's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza careyana

Carey's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza careyana

Forest Rd 82 is a graded, gravel road in pretty good shape until it nears the forest boundary with Tract D of the Yakama Nation where it gets soft due to recent snow melt. Supposely snow still lies on the road someplace between 4800-5000'. A few flower species (especially lance-leaf spring beauty) may be found in bloom along the roads up to about 4600' or so.

Small Spur Roads off the North Side of Forest Road N82

N46 03.003' --- W121 29.724' --- Elevation: 2870' --- +/- 27'

1. Sedge: Carex sp.

2. Wood Lily, Western Wakerobin: Trillium ovatum

3. Rattlesnake Plantain: Goodyera oblongifolia - Attractive leaves only.

4. Woods Strawberry: Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata

5. Cinquefoil: Potentilla arguta / P. glandulosa - Small plants yet.

6. Common Broad-leaf Lupine: Lupinus latifolius ? - In bud.

7. Snow Brush: Ceanothus velutinus var. velutinus - In bud.

8. Baker's Violet: Viola bakeri

9. Scarlet Gilia: Ipomopsis (Gilia) aggregata - Well formed plants, but not in bud yet.

10. Carey's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza careyana var. intermedia - Scattered plants in openings and under coniferous forest. Plants are fairly glandular/resinous.

Animals Seen or Heard: Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Dark-eyed Juncos, Western Tanager (chattering in the trees), Warbler (olive green back, yellowish belly)

Just Below Spur Road 709 off the North Side of Forest Road N82

N46 02.978' --- W121 29.469' --- Elevation: 2915' --- +/- 29'

1. Oregon White Oak: Quercus garryana - Leafing out but not in bloom yet.

*2. Sedge: Carex sp. (Same species as further above.)

*3. Upland Larkspur: Delphinium nuttallianum

4. Common Broad-leaf Lupine: Lupinus latifolius ? - In bud.

*5. Snow Brush: Ceanothus velutinus var. velutinus - In bud.

*6. Baker's Violet: Viola bakeri

7. Whitestem Frasera: Swertia (Frasera) albicaulis - In bud.

*8. Showy Phlox: Phlox speciosa -

9. Orange Honeysuckle: Lonicera ciliosa - In bud.

*10. Carey's Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza careyana var. intermedia - Scattered plants in openings and under coniferous forest. Plants are fairly glandular/resinous.

SnowKing Snow Park

Intersections of FS Rd 82 and FS Rd 101 & FS Rd 090

N46 03.231' --- W121 28.344' --- Elevation: 3249' --- +/- 28'

1. Queen's Cup, Bead Lily: Clintonia uniflora - Some with a very short peduncle starting to poke from between the leaves.

*2. Wood Lily, Western Wakerobin: Trillium ovatum

*3. Big-leaf Sandwort: Moehringia macrophylla

*4. Oak Toothwort: Cardamine nuttallii var. nuttallii (formerly Cardamine pulcherrima var. pulcherrima) -

*5. Three-tooth Mitrewort, Pacific Mitrewort: Mitella trifida var. trifida

*6. Sticky Currant: Ribes viscosissimum var. - Beginning to bloom.

*7. Broadpetal Strawberry: Fragaria virginiana var. platypetala

8. Mt. Spiraea: Spiraea betulifolia (or S. splendens var. splendens) - ID based on dried inflorescences from last year.

*9. Stream Violet: Viola glabella

10. Pipsissewa: Chimaphila umbellata ssp. occidentalis -

11. Night-blooming Morning Glory, Night-blooming False Bindweed: Calystegia atriplicifoliassp. atriplicifolia (formerly Convolvulus nyctagineus) - Leaves only.

12. Sickle-top Lousewort: Pedicularis racemosa ssp. racemosa - Leaves only.

13. Twin Flower: Linnaea borealis

*14. Common Dandylion: Taraxacum officinale

FS Rd 82

N46 03.241' --- W121 27.819' --- Elevation: 3380' --- +/- 25'

*1. Rough Wallflower: Erysimum capitatum - Barely beginning bloom. I will post photos when I get a chance. Site was meadow to open woods next to a clearcut.

Woods and Meadows at Southeast Corner of Inersection of FS Rd 82 & Rd to King Mt.

N46 03.739' --- W121 27.587' --- Elevation: 3560' --- +/- 19'

1. Orange Sac Fungus - Unidentified.

2. Glacier Lily: Erythronium grandiflorum

*3. Wood Lily, Western Wakerobin: Trillium ovatum

4. Lance-leaf Spring Beauty: Claytonia lanceolata var. lanceolata - Numerous.

*5. Three-tooth Mitrewort, Pacific Mitrewort: Mitella trifida var. trifida

*6. Sticky Currant: Ribes viscosissimum var. - Beginning to bloom.

7. Dwarf Bramble: Rubus lasiococcus - Leaves only.

*8. Stream Violet: Viola glabella

9. Racemose Pussytoes: probably Antennaria racemosa - Leaves oval or ovate in shape, with dark green upper surfaces and whitish to silvery ventral surfaces.

Paul Slichter E-mail