Oaks Toothwort, Nuttall's Toothwort, Slender Toothwort, Spring Beauty
Cardamine nuttallii var. nuttallii
Synonyms: Cardamine nuttallii var. covilleana, Cardamine nuttallii var. dissecta, Cardamine pulcherrima, Cardamine
pulcherrima var. pulcherrima, Cardamine pulcherrima var. tenella, Dentaria tenella, Dentaria tenella var. pulcherrima, Dentaria tenella var. quercetorum, Dentaria tenella var. tenella
The photo above shows a close-up of the flower
and upper stem leaves of oaks toothwort..........May 6, 2006.
The photo at left shows a close-up side view
of the calyx and petals of oaks toothwort. Note the stamens closely surrounding
the style, and the capitate stigma. May 6, 2006. The photo at right shows oaks toothwort as seen
on the eastern side of Mt. Adams..........May 6, 2006.
Paul Slichter