[Wildflower Bloom Reports for Washington & Oregon] [Columbia River Gorge Wildflower Bloom Reports Prior to 2002]

[Wildflower Destinations in the Columbia River Gorge]

Wildflower Bloom in the Columbia River Gorge

Old Gorge Highway (MP 31 - One mile west of Multnomah Falls)

April 20, 2006


*1. Big-leaf Maple: Acer macrophyllum- Most trees now in bloom.

*2. Western Solomon Plume / False Solomon Seal: Maianthemum racemosum (formerly Smilacina racemosa) - Just beginning to bloom

*3. Fairy Bells: Prosartes hookeri (formerly Disporum hookeri) - Fairly common

*4. Miner's Lettuce: Claytonia (Montia) perfoliata - Common, but just starting to bloom.

*5. Siberian Miner's Lettuce: Claytonia (Montia) siberica - Fairly common.

*6. Chickweed: Stellaria media- Numerous

*7. Poison Larkspur: Delphinium trollifolium - Beginning to bloom

*8. Western Meadow Rue: Thalictrum occidentale - Fairly common

*9. Shining Oregon Grape: Berberis (Mahonia) aquifolium- Fairly numerous.

*10. Bleeding Heart: Dicentra formosa - Common

*11. Slender Toothwort: Cardamine nuttallii (formerly Cardamine pulcherrima var. tenella) - Fairly numerous

*12. Honesty: Lunaria annua - Common

13. Pacific Waterleaf: Hydrophyllum tenuipes - Fairly well developed flower buds

*14. Woods Forget Me-not: Myosotis sylvatica - Fairly common

*42. Scouler's Valerian: Valeriana scouleri - Common.

Other Wildflowers Seen in Bloom Along the Old Highway at Other Locations:

*15. Trillium: Trillium ovatum - A few still in full bloom

*16. Cascade Oregon Grape: Berberis nervosa - A few seen in bloom

*17. Red-flowering Currant: Ribes sanguineum - A few seen in bloom

*18. Martindales Desert Parsley: Lomatium martindalei - In bloom on rocky cliffs at Multnomah Falls

*19. Common Dandylion: Taraxacum officinale- Fairly common in disturbed areas along the road.

Paul Slichter