[Wildflower Bloom for Central and Eastern Oregon: 2012]
[Books About the Wildflowers of Central and Eastern Washington and Oregon]
Semi-comprehensive Plant List for Fish Lake
The campground opened immediately after Memorial Day this year. Unfortunately, 10 inches of fresh snowfall just before the holiday kept the North Loop Road closed for the many people who visited the area over the holiday weekend. The aspen are just leafing out and there only a few plant species in bloom. Cold air sinks into the basin containing the lake at night which prevents plants from growing as fast (and would keep potential campers cold at night!). We did not have time to thoroughly explore the entire area around the lake, but I would hypothesize that more plants could be found in much advanced state of development higher on the slopes around the lake.
* Willow: Salix (sp ?)
Quaking Aspen: Populus tremuloides
Booth's Willow: Salix boothii ?
Variable Willow: Salix commutata ?
Drummond's Willow: Salix drummondiana ?
Geyer's Willow: Salix geyeriana ?
Whiplash Willow: Salix lasiandra var. caudata ?
Lemmon's Willow: Salix lemmonii ?
* Field Woodrush: Luzula campestris var. congesta ? - Beginning to bloom.
White False Hellebore: Veratrum californicum var. californicum
* Meadow Larkspur: Delphinium distichum
* Dwarf Plantain-leaved Buttercup: Ranunuculus alismifolius var. alismellus
Whitestem Gooseberry: Ribes inerme
* Valley Yellow Violet: Viola vallicola
* Goosefoot Violet: Viola purpurea var. venosa
Sticky Geranium: Geranium viscosissimum (var. ?)
Gorman's Desert Parsley: Lomatium gormanii
Western Sweet-cicely: Osmorhiza occidentalis
Bog Wintergreen: Pyrola asarifolia
Green Gentian: Frasera speciosa
Blue Stickseed: Hackelia micrantha
Elephant Heads: Pedicularis groenlandica
Twinberry: Lonicera involucrata
Big Sagebrush: Artemisia tridentata var. vaseyana
Steen's Mt. Thistle: Cirsium peckii
Elk Thistle: Cirsium scariosum
* Orange Sneezeweed: Dugaldia hoopesii (Hymenoxis hoopesii or Helenium hoopesii) - Beginning to bloom.
Belding Ground Squirrels
Golden Eagles
Red-tailed Hawk
Northern Flicker
Tree Swallows
Brewer's Blackbirds
Red-winged Blackbirds
White-crowned Sparrows
Song Sparrows
Yellow Warblers
Common Snipes
Mourning Cloak