[Wintergreens: The Genus Pyrola East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Alpine Pyrola, Bog Wintergreen, Large Pyrola, Liverleaf Wintergreen, Pink Pyrola, Pink Wintergreen

Pyrola asarifolia var. asarifolia

Synonyms: Pyrola asarifolia var. asarifolia, Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata, Pyrola asarifolia var. ovata, Pyrola asarifolia var. purpurea, Pyrola californica, Pyrola elata, Pyrola rotundifolia ssp. asarifolia, Pyrola uliginosa, Pyrola uliginosa var. gracilis

Alpine Pyrola, Bog Wintergreen, Large Pyrola, Liverleaf Wintergreen, Pink Pyrola, Pink Wintergreen: Pyrola asarifolia ssp. asarifolia (Synonyms: Pyrola asarifolia var. asarifolia, Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata, Pyrola asarifolia var. ovata, Pyrola asarifolia var. purpurea, Pyrola californica, Pyrola elata, Pyrola rotundifolia ssp. asarifolia, Pyrola uliginosa, Pyrola uliginosa var. gracilis)

The photo above shows the inflorescence of large pyrola. Photographed along South Prairie Road (Forest rd 66, mp 4), Gifford Pinchot NF.......June 30, 1990. Note the strongly curved style.

Alpine Pyrola, Bog Wintergreen, Large Pyrola, Liverleaf Wintergreen, Pink Pyrola, Pink Wintergreen: Pyrola asarifolia ssp. asarifolia (Synonyms: Pyrola asarifolia var. asarifolia, Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata, Pyrola asarifolia var. ovata, Pyrola asarifolia var. purpurea, Pyrola californica, Pyrola elata, Pyrola rotundifolia ssp. asarifolia, Pyrola uliginosa, Pyrola uliginosa var. gracilis) The photo at right shows a close-up of the flower of large pyrola. Photographed along the Hurricane Creek Trail, Eagle Cap Wilderness in northeastern Oregon........June 24, 2004.


Large pyrola is a perennial wildflower with erect flowering stems rising 15-40 cm high from a cluster of basal leaves atop widespread rhizomes. The leaf blades are round to elliptic or obovate in shape with a round to acute base and rounded to notched leaf tip. The blade is 3-8 cm long and about as wide with entire to toothed margins and a dark, shiny green on the upper blade and purplish beneath. The petioles are about as long as the blades.

The inflorescence is an elongated raceme of 10-25 flowers. The pedicels are 3-8 mm long and are subtended by linear-lanceolate bracts which are about as long. The pendant flowers are 10-15 mm wide with the petals pink to rose or a purplish-red color. The petals are 5-7 mm long. The calyx is 2.5-4 mm long with acute to acuminate lobes. The style is 5-8 mm long, strongly curved and with a collar below the stigma.


Large pyrola may be found in moist forests.


Large pyrola may be found from Alaska south to California and east across Canada to northeastern North America.

Alpine Pyrola, Bog Wintergreen, Large Pyrola, Liverleaf Wintergreen, Pink Pyrola, Pink Wintergreen: Pyrola asarifolia ssp. asarifolia (Synonyms: Pyrola asarifolia var. asarifolia, Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata, Pyrola asarifolia var. ovata, Pyrola asarifolia var. purpurea, Pyrola californica, Pyrola elata, Pyrola rotundifolia ssp. asarifolia, Pyrola uliginosa, Pyrola uliginosa var. gracilis)

The photo above shows the inflorescence and basal leaves of large pyrola. Photographed along the Hurricane Creek Trail, Eagle Cap Wilderness in northeastern Oregon.........June 24, 2004.

Alpine Pyrola, Bog Wintergreen, Large Pyrola, Liverleaf Wintergreen, Pink Pyrola, Pink Wintergreen: Pyrola asarifolia ssp. asarifolia (Synonyms: Pyrola asarifolia var. asarifolia, Pyrola asarifolia var. incarnata, Pyrola asarifolia var. ovata, Pyrola asarifolia var. purpurea, Pyrola californica, Pyrola elata, Pyrola rotundifolia ssp. asarifolia, Pyrola uliginosa, Pyrola uliginosa var. gracilis)

The photo above shows the cluster of large, oval-shaped, green leaves of large pyrola. Photographed near Cooper Lake, Wenatchee NF........July 15, 1978.

Paul Slichter