Mapleleaf Currant: Ribes acerifolium (Synonym: Ribes howellii) - Occasionally found on the east slope of the Cascade Mts. in Oregon.
Golden Currant: Ribes aureum var. aureum (Synonym: Chrysobotrya aurea) -
Stink Currant, Blue Currant, California Black Currant: Ribes bracteosum -
Wax Currant, Squaw Currant: Ribes cereum var. cereum (Synonyms: Ribes cereum var. inebrians, Ribes cereum var. pedicellare, Ribes inebrians, Ribes reniforme, Ribes viscidulum) -
Wax Currant: Ribes cereum var. colubrinum -
Coast Black Gooseberry, Spreading Gooseberry, Straggly Currant, Straggly Gooseberry: Ribes divaricatum var. divaricatum (Synonyms: Ribes divaricatum var. glabriflorum, Ribes divaricatum var. rigidum) -
Crater Lake Currant: Ribes erythrocarpum -
Western Black Currant, Northern Black Currant, Hudson Bay Currant, Stinking Currant: Ribes hudsonianum var. petiolare -
Whitestem Currant: Ribes inerme -
Klamath Gooseberry: Ribes inerme var. klamathense (Synonyms: Grossularia klamathensis, Ribes klamathense) -
Bristly Currant, Bristly Black Gooseberry, Prickly Currant, Swamp Currant, Swamp Gooseberry: Ribes lacustre (Synonyms: Limnobotrya lacustris, Ribes lacustre var. parvulum, Ribes oxycanthoides var. lacustre) -
Coast Trailing Currant, Trailing Black Currant, Western Black Currant: Ribes laxiflorum )Synonym: Ribes coloradense) - Occasional into the Wenatchee Mountains.
Gummy Gooseberry, Oregon Gooseberry, Pioneer Gooseberry, Lobb's Gooseberry: Ribes lobbii (Synonym: Grossularia lobbii) - Occasionally seen on the east slope of the Cascade Mts. in Oregon.
Alpine Prickly Currant, Gooseberry Currant, Mountain Gooseberry, Western Prickly Gooseberry: Ribes montigenum (Synonyms: Limnobotrya montigena, Ribes lacustre var. molle, Ribes lentum, Ribes molle, Ribes nubigneum) -
Cultivated Black Currant, European Black Currant: Ribes nigrum -
Snake River Gooseberry, Snow Currant, Snow Gooseberry: Ribes niveum -
Northern Gooseberry, Stream Currant, Umatilla Gooseberry: Ribes oxyacanthoides ssp. cognatum (Synonyms: Grossularia cognata, Ribes cognatum, Ribes oxyacanthoides var. cognatum) -
Idaho Gooseberry, Straggly Inland Black Currant: Ribes oxyacanthoides ssp. irriguum (Synonyms: Grossularia irrigua, Grossularia nonscripta, Ribes divaricatum var. irriguum, Ribes irriguum, Ribes leucoderme, Ribes nonscripta, Ribes oxyacanthoides var. irriguum, Ribes oxyacanthoides var. leucoderme) -
Redflowering Currant, Red-flowering Currant: Ribes sanguineum var. sanguineum (Synonyms: Ribes sanguineum, Ribes sanguineum var. deductum, Ribes sanguineum var. melanocarpum) - Occasionally seen in the eastern foothills of the Cascade Mountains.
American Red Currant, Red Currant, Swamp American Red Currant, Swamp Red Currant, Western Red Currant, Wild Red Currant: Ribes triste (Synonyms: Ribes rubrum var. alaskanum, Ribes rubrum var. propinquum, Ribes triste var. albinervium) -
Desert Gooseberry, Gooding's Gooseberry: Ribes velutinum (Synonyms: Grossularia velutina, Ribes gooddingii, Ribes velutinum var. glanduliferum, Ribes velutinum var. gooddingii, Ribes velutinum var. velutinum) -
Sticky Currant: Ribes viscosissimum (Synonym: Ribes hallii, Ribes viscosissimum var. hallii, Ribes viscosissimum var. viscosissimum) -
Spiny Gooseberry, Spring Gooseberry, Watson Gooseberry: Ribes watsonianum - ?
Rothrock Currant, Winaha Currant, Wolf's Currant, Wolf's Gooseberry: Ribes wolfii (Synonym: Ribes mogollonicum) -