[Energy in Cells Menu]


Cell Respiration: Controlled release of energy from organic molecules (most often glucose) in order to generate ATP.

ATP: Adenosine TriPhosphate - Energy carrying molecule. Carries measured doses of energy. Used to facillitate many cell reactions.

Energy Carriers During Respiration:

NADH: A second energy carrying molecule in the mitochondria.

FADH2: A third energy carrying molecule in the mitochondria.

1. Structure of the Mitochondria

2. A Simple View of Glycolysis -Integrated Biology

3. Glycolysis Outline - Honors Biology

4. Anaerobic Respiration

5. Aerobic Respiration (3 steps: a-c below)

a. Krebs Cycle

b. Krebs Cycle Diagram

c. Electron Transport

Aerobic Respiration Using Fats as fuel:

Lipids are generally not readily used by cells as an energy source until all carbohydrates available are utilized first!

a. Fats converted to fatty acids & glycerol by digestion.

b. Glycerol converted to pyruvate.

c. Fatty Acids converted to Acetyl-CoA.

d. Both fat parts can then be used in Kreb's cycle.
