[Respiration Notes]

Glycolysis is the first step of reactions that break glucose apart to liberate the energy it holds in its C-H bonds. Glycolysis occurs in both aerobic (with oxygen) and anerobic (does not need oxygen) respiration!


Glycolysis basically:

a) splits Glucose (6 C) to make two 3-carbon molecules. 2 ATP needed to split glucose.

b) removes energy and hydrogen from the 3-carbon molecules. This is used to make NADH (E. carrier).

c) removes more energy to make 4 ATP. 2 ATP go to split next glucose. 2 ATP available for cell use.

d) At end of glycolysis, 2 pyruvate molecules (3C) left.

Summary of Glycolysis
1. One glucose (6C) converted into 2 pyruvates (3C).
2. Net yield of 2 ATP for use by cell.
3. Two NAD+ are converted into 2 NADH & 2H+. (These go to Electron Transport.)

[A simpler view of Glycolysis]

[Anaerobic Respiration (Fermentation)] [Aerobic Respiration]

[Respiration Notes]
