[IB Biology at GHS: Reviews of Cells & Microscopes] [Review Game for Unit Exam on Cells & Microscopes]

Answer Sheet Exam Review Game for Cells & Microscopes

Print the following answers for your own use with the review game .

Disclaimer: This game is for your use to aid in your review for the upcoming exam. Please be aware that because of the number of potential test questions, some questions have not been included in this game, so please review your notes and do other online reviews!

1. 2 advantages of light microscopes over electron microscopes include viewing live cells, objects can be seen in color larger field of view & easier prep of slide.

2. 2 advantages of electron microscope over light microscope include higher magnification and greater resolution of the image.

3. Vacuoles

4. Chromosomes

5. Lysosomes

6. Plasma membrane

7. Mitochondria

8. Nucleus

9. Nucleolus

10.  Golgi Apparatus because the short tubes are turned at the ends with little bubbles or vessicles near their ends.

11.  ribosomes

12. smooth ER

13. vacuoles

14. The ID part of the ID marker protein is a carbohydrate chain.

15. cell wall

16. Nuclear Envelope

17. Cytoplasm

18. Plasma membrane

19. Chloroplast

20. Nucleolus

21. DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)

22. Flagella (Flagellum- singular)

23. Passive transport is a) plain diffusion from high to low concentration. b) It requires no energy input to happen.  Active transport    a) occurs from low to high concentration. b) It requires ATP energy.

24. The Na-K Pump is an example of active transport because it uses ATP energy to pump Na+ & K+ from low to high concentration.  3 Na+ are pumped out while 2 K+ are pumped in at the same time.

25. Blue-green Algae and Bacteria

26. Active transport a) uses energy (ATP) to b) move molecules from low to high concentration.

27. A nucleolus makes ribosomes.

28. Vacuoles store water and other materials the cell needs.

29. The mitochondria provides the cell with energy.

30. A flagella is used for locomotion.

31. Cellulose

32. Ribosomes make proteins.

33. Cells are the smallest living things.

34. Lysosomes a) digest worn out organelles, b) digest the cell's food, c) break down big molecules, d) digest pathogens,  & e) help with selective cell death.

35. Diffusion is the random movement of molecules from high to low concentration.

36. Molecules tend to move from high to low concentration.

37. Water will flow out of the cell (from 96% to 90%).

38. Water will flow into the cell (Hint: Change the 15% salt to 85% water)

39. A slug dies when put into salt water because the cells in the slug are hypertonic to the salt water. Since there is more water in the slug, water flows out of its cells into the salt solution.

40. Active transport means energy (ATP) is needed to move molecules from low to high concentration.

41. Facillitated diffusion means that a protein in the plasma membrane assists large molecules by moving them from high to low concentration.

42. Exocytosis means that a vacuole in a cell's cytoplasm merges with its plasma membrane and dumps or flushes the vacuole contents out of the cell.

43. The Cell Theory States:  A) All cells come from pre-existing cells.  B) All organisms consist of one or more cells.   C) Cells are the smallest living components of life.

44. Complex, modern cells are Eukaryotic Cells.

45.  True.  Many cells in organisms are specialized to do only 1 task.

46.  Cholesterol reduces membrane fluidity at moderate temperatures.

47. During endocytosis, the plasma membrane pulls inwards and forms a vacuole around molecules which then can enter the cell.

48.  Phagocytosis is a type of endocytosis where energy is used to bring large molecules into a cell by changing the shape of its membrane.

49. Semipermeable membranes have small holes that only permit very small molecules to pass through, while keeping larger molecules from passing through.

50.  As cells get bigger, at some point the volume increases so much that the surface area of the plasma membrane isn't big enough to provide the cell with oxygen, water, and nutrients, so the cell would die.

51.  Cilia

52. The Cell Theory States:  A) All cells come from pre-existing cells.  B) All organisms consist of one or more cells.   C) Cells are the smallest living components of life.

53. They are at equilibrium. 5% salt = 95% water.

54.  The movement of water across a semipermeable membrane is osmosis.

55. Mitochondria

56. Cytoplasm

57. Plasma membrane

58.  Organelle.  The nucleolus, rough ER  and chloroplast are all organelles in a cell.

59.  Plant cells have  a cell wall, chloroplasts , large central vacuole, no centrioles, and a cell plate during cytokinesis.

60.  Animal cells have no cell wall, no chloroplasts, usually smaller vacuoles, centrioles, and divide by a cleavage furrow during cytokinesis.

61.  Primitive cells like bacteria are prokaryotic cells.

62.  The Fluid Mosaic Model of Membranes states that proteins float in the phospholipid bilayer like boats on water, and that the proteins have specific functions.

63. Bacteria and blue-green algae are both examples of prokaryotic cells.

64. If a solution is isotonic, its solute concentration is equal to that of a solution on the other side of a membrane from it.

65. If a solution is hypertonic, its solute concentration is greater than that of a solution on the other side of a membrane from it.

66.  If a solution is hypotonic, its solute concentration is less than that of a solution on the other side of a membrane from it.

67.  Organisms that are eukaryotic include, animals, plants, fungi and protists (one-cell organisms and algae).

68.  1000 micrometers (µm) = 1 mm.

69.  Facilitated diffusion

70.  Cotransport actively transports nutrient molecules into a cell using ions provided by Na-K pumps or proton pumps.

71.  Chloroplasts and mitochondria both have DNA (that is both naked DNA as well as circular).

72.  The DNA of prokaryotic cells is naked and circular in shape. The DNA of eukaryotic cells is covered with proteins and is linear or ribbon-like.

73.  The cell is hypotonic to the surrounding solution. 5% salt inside the cell vs. 10% salt outside(100-90).

74. The cell is isotonic to the surrounding solution.  25% sugar = 75% water.

75.  The cell is hypertonic to the surrounding solution.  5% salt is greater than the 2% salt in the surrounding water (100-98=2%salt).

76.  Plasma membrane or phospholipid bilayer

77.  Fatty acid. It is hydrophobic.

78.  Phospholipid bilayer

79.  Phosphate group. It is hydrophyllic.

80.  The theory of endosymbiosis states that the 1st eukaryotic cells may have gotten their first organelles as procaryotic cells that came to live inside of them, helping both have a better chance to survive.

81.  The Fluid Mosaic Model of Membranes states that proteins float in the phospholipid bilayer like boats on water, and that the proteins have specific functions.

82.  Cell differentiation means that many cells in organisms have specialized in form and function to do one job.

83.  0.076 mm = 76 µm   (0.076 x 1000)

84.  Prokaryotic cells have no membrane bound organelles, smaller ribosomes, naked and circular DNA,  and no nucleus.  Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, larger ribosomes, DNA covered with protiens & organized into linear segments called chromosomes & membrane bound organelles.

85. Cells remain very small as diffusion across a limited plasma membrane is unable to provide enough nutrients and waters or remove enough wastes to keep a cell with large volume alive.

86.  The fatty acid tails of phospholipids are water 'fearing' or hydrophobic.

87.  The phosphate group of phospholipids are water 'loving' or hydrophyllic.

88.  Cholesterol is found in the phospholipid bilayer and helps make it more fluid.

89.  Lipid and carbohydrate synthesis occur in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER).

90.  Cell organelles that contain DNA are the nucleus, chloroplast and mitochondria.

91. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

92. The mesosome is a membrane in prokaryotic cells that loops into the cytoplasm and is used to make ATP energy for the cell, plus it seems to help with division of the cell.

93. Cell Surface Membrane

94. Cell Wall

95. Plant cells can have chloroplasts, large central vacuoles and cell walls. They also have a regular (often squarish) shape and are capable of photosynthesis.

96. Water-loving"

97. "Water-fearing"

