[Wildflowers With 5 Petals West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Rose Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Ninebark: Physocarpus capitatus

I. Trees and Shrubs:

Serviceberries: The Genus Amelanchier -

Black Chokeberry: Aronia melanocarpa -

Bride's Feathers, Sylvan Goatsbeard: Aruncus dioicus var. acuminatus (Synonyms: Aruncus acuminatus, Aruncus dioicus var. pubescens, Aruncus sylvester, Aruncus sylvester ssp. acuminatus, Aruncus sylvester var. acuminatus, Aruncus vulgaris) - An attractive erect shrub to 2 meters high with large compound pinnate leaves (3 times compound). The leaf margins are coarsely toothed and the leaflets end in a sharp point. Flowers tiny and white in sprays at the ends of the branches.

Mountain Mahoganies: The Genus Cercocarpus -

Cotoneasters: The Genus Cotoneaster -

Hawthorns: The Genus Crataegus -

Shrubby Cinquefoil: Dasiphora fruticosa (Synonyms: Dasiphora floribunda, Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda, Dasiphora riparia, Fragaria fruticosa, Pentaphylloides fruticosa, Potentilla floribunda, Potentilla fruticosa, Potentilla fruticosa ssp. floribunda, Potentilla fruticosa var. tenifolia) - A prostrate to erect shrub often used for landscaping. The leaves are pinnately compound with 5 narrowly elliptical leaflets from 1-2 cm long. The leaflets are covered with silky hairs. The flowers are showy and bright yellow, measuring up to 2.5 cm across.

Queen of the Forest: Filipendula occidentalis (Synonym: Fragaria occidentalis) -

Ocean Sprays: The Genus Holodiscus -

Luetkea, Partridgefoot, Partridge Foot: Luetkea pectinata (Synonyms: Eriogynia pectinata, Saxifraga pectinata, Spiraea pectinata) - A high-altitude perennial herb with somewhat woody stems. It spreads by rhizomes and stolons to form wide mats. The leaves are basal and deeply lobed at the tip. They are up to 2 cm long. The flowers are white and borne in a congested raceme at the stem tip.

Crabapples and Apples: The Genus Malus -

Indian Plum, Osoberry, Oso-berry: Oemleria cerasiformis (Synonyms: Exochorda davidiana, Nuttallia cerasiformis, Nuttallia davidiana, Oemleria cerasiformis var. lancifolia, Oemleria cerasiformis var. nigra, Osmaronia cerasiformis) - Shrub to 10 feet tall. Small white flowers with 5 petals hang down from stem in clusters of 5-10 flowers. No stickers on the stems! Leaves elliptical, simple, and up to 6 inches long. Newly emerging leaves stand up off the stems like green rabbit ears.

Olympic Mountain Rockmat: Petrophyton hendersonii (Eriogynia hendersonii, Luetkea hendersonii, Petrophyton hendersonii, Spiraea hendersonii) -

Pacific Ninebark: Physocarpus capitatus (Synonyms: Neillia capitata, Neillia opulifolia var. mollis, Opulaster capitatus, Opulaster opulifolius var. capitatus, Physocarpa tomentosa, Pysocarpus opulifolius var. tomentellus, Spiraea capitata, Spiraea opulifolia var. mollis, Spiraea opulifolia var. tomentella) - Shrub to 12 feet. Flowers small, white, and arranged into spherical clumps. Leaves simple, and palmately lobed (typically with 3 lobes).

Few-flowered Ninebark, Mallow Ninebark, Mallow-leaf Ninebark: Physocrpus malvaceus (Synonyms: Neillia malvacea, Neillia monogyna var. malvacea, Neillia torreyi, Opulaster cordatus, Opulaster pauciflorus, Opulaster pubescens, Physocarpus pauciflorus, Spiraea opulifolia var. pauciflora, Spiraea pauciflora) -

Bitter Cherries, Cherries, Laurels and Plums: The Genus Prunus -

Antelope Bitterbrush, Antelope-brush, Antelope Brush, Bitterbrush: Purshia tridentata (Synonyms: Kunzia tridentate, Purshia tridentata var. tridentata, Tigarea tridentate) -

Firethorns: The Genus Pyracantha -

Caucasian Pear: Pyrus calleryana -

Common Pear, Domestic Pear, Garden Pear: Pyrus communis -

Snow Pear: Pyrus nivalis -

Roses: The Genus Rosa -

Blackberries, Brambles and Raspberries: The Genus Rubus -

Mountain Ash: The Genus Sorbus -

Spiraea: The Genus Spiraea -

II. Herbaceous Wildflowers:

Biddy-biddy: Acaena novae-zelandica -

Common Agrimony, Tall Hairy Agrimony: Agrimonia gryposepala -

Lady's-mantles and Parsley-pierts: The Genus Aphanes -

Marsh Cinquefoil, Purple Cinqefoil, Purple Marshlocks: Comarum palustre (Synonym: Potentilla palustris) -

Indian Strawberry, False Strawberry, Mock Strawberry, Mock-strawberry: Duchesnea indica -

Strawberries: The Genus Fragaria -

Avens: The Genus Geum -

Horkelias: The Genus Horkelia -

Cinquefoils: The Genus Potentilla -

Burnets: The Genera Poteridium, Poterium and Sanguisorba -

Sibbaldia, Creeping Sibbaldia: Sibbaldia procumbens (Synonyms: Potentilla anglica, Potentilla procumbens) - ?

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