[The Rose Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Lady's-mantles and Parsley-pierts West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Aphanes

Western Lady's-mantle: Aphanes occidentalis (Synonyms: Alchemilla occidentalis, Aphanes arvensis, Aphanes macrosepala)

Western Lady's-mantle: Aphanes occidentalis

Field Parsley-piert, Western Lady's-mantle: Aphanes arvensis (Synonym: Alchemilla arvensis)

Slender Parsley-piert, Small-fruited Parsley-piert: Aphanes australis (Synonym: Aphanes inexspectata)

Western Lady's-mantle, Western Parsley-piert: Aphanes occidentalis (Synonyms: Alchemilla cuneifolia, Alchemilla occidentalis, Aphanes cuneifolia, Aphanes macrosepala) - Probably an introduced weed, it is a low, spreading annual with freely branched stems from 2-10 cm long. The leaves are short-petioled with simple but deeply lobed blades from 4-8 mm long. The flowers are borne along much of the length of the stems, with 5-15 common at each node.

Paul Slichter E-mail