[Wildflowers With 5 Petals West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Mint Family West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Rigid Betony, Rigid Hedgenettle, Rough Hedge-nettle, Rigid Hedge-nettle: Stachys rigida (Synonyms: Stachys ajugoides var. ajugoides, Stachys ciliata)

Rigid Hedgenettle: Stachys rigida

Giant-hyssops and Horsemints: The Genus Agastache -

Bugle, Common Bugle, Carpet Bugle: Ajuga reptans -

Black Horehound: Ballota nigra -

Ground Ivy, Ground-ivy, Creeping Charlie, Gill Over The Ground, Field Balm: Glechoma hederacea (Synonyms: Glechoma hederacea var. micrantha, Glechoma hederacea var. parviflora, Nepeta hederacea) -

Yellow Archangel: Lamiastrum galeobdolon (Synonym: Lamium galeobdolon) -

Deadnettles and Henbits: The Genus Lamium -

Motherwort, Common Motherwort: Leonurus cardiaca -

Bugleweeds and Water-horehounds: The Genus Lycopus -

Horehound, White Horehound: Marrubium vulgare -

Garden Balm, Common Balm, Lemon Balm: Melissa oficinalis -

Mints: The Genus Mentha -

Mondardellas: The Genus Monardella -

Catnip: Nepeta cataria -

Wild Marjoram, Oregano: Origanum vulgare -

Purple Dragonhead: Physostegia parviflora (Synonym: Dracocephalum nuttallii) -

Bristly Pogogyne, Sacramento Pogogyne: Pogogyne ziziphoroides -

Heal Alls and Self-heals: The Genus Prunella -

Sages and Salvias: The Genus Salvia -

Savory and Yerba Buena: The Genus Satureja -

Skullcaps: The Genus Scutellaria -

Hedgenettles: The Genus Stachys -

Thymes: The Genus Thymus -

Blue Curls: The Genus Trichostema -

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