Leaves are Compound and Pinnately Veined-3 leaflets
Scotch Broom: Leaflets thin, somewhat clover-like. Stems numerous, closely grouped, and dark green in color. Stems lack any prickles. Seeds contained in pea pods.
Poison Oak: Leaflets oval, may be slightly lobed. Stems not armed with prickles. Plant covered with toxic oils, that cause a strong allergic reaction.
Salmonberry: An upright shrub to 8 feet tall. Leaflets coarsely toothed, somewhat triangular in shape, with a pointed tip. Stems may or may not be armed with sharp prickles. Flowers 5-petaled, bright pink or reddish.
Blackberry/ Dewberry: A viny plant that trails across the ground. Leaflets
coarsely toothed, womewhat triangular in shape, with a pointed tip. Flowers
5-petaled, white.