[Wildflowers with Flower Heads Like Daisies in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Chamomiles of the Coloumbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Anthemis

Mayweed Chamomile: Anthemis cotula

Mayweed Chamomile: Anthemis cotula

Corn Chamomile, Field Chamomile: Anthemis arvensis (Synonym: Anthemis arvensis var. arvensis) -

Camomille Maroute, Dogfennel, Dog-fennel, Mayweed Chamomile, Stinking Chamomile: Anthemis cotula (Synonyms: Anthemis foetida, Chamaemelum cotula, Maruta cotula) -

Golden Chamomile, Golden Marguerite, Yellow Chamomile: Cota tinctoria (Synonym: Anthemis tinctoria -

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