Wildflowers of the Columbia River Gorge
[Flora & Fauna Northwest] [Flora Northwest]

Pacific Northwest Wildflowers:
Eastern Columbia River Gorge

Simple Flower Identification Key

Yellow Bells: Fritillaria pudica


Last updated on July , 2008

[Gorge Related Links][Gorge Wildflower Books][Current Wildflower Bloom Status][Places to see Wildflowers in the Columbia R. Gorge]

Note: This site was originally constructed about 8 years ago when computer processors and web access were both primitively slow. At that time, I made the photos purposely small to speed their viewing via the web. I am currently (winter 2008-09) attempting to update the photos on this site to a larger, higher quality size as well as add more information and additional ID keys. Please be patient as this process occurs as it probably won't be completed until after the 2009 flower season has completed!




Plants with tiny flowers. (Skunk Cabbage & Stinging Nettles)

Larger flowers having petals in multiples of three (3, 6, 9).

Larger flowers having 4 petals.

Larger flowers having 5 petals.

Flowers like sunflowers, daisies, or dandylions.

Animals of the Columbia River Gorge

Paul Slichter E-mail