[The Flora and Fauna of Mt. Adams Country]

Fungi of Mt. Adams Country

Sculptured Puffball: Calvatia subsculpta

Sculptured Puffball: Calvatia subsculpta

Unidentified Fungi of Mt. Adams

Unidentified Earth Star?

King Bolete: Boletus edulis

Butter Bolete, Red-capped Butter Bolete: Boletus regius (Synonyms: Boletus appendiculatus var. regius, Boletus subtomntosus ssp. cerasinus)

Blue-staining Cup: Caloscypha fulgens

Sculptured Puffball: Calvatia subsculpta

Dog Vomit Slime Mold, Scrambled Egg Slime, Flowers of Tan: Fuligo septica (Synonyms: Aethalium septicum, Mucor septicus, Reticularia septica)

Beefsteak Morel, Conifer False Morel, Brain Mushroom, Elephant-ears, False Morel, Lorchel, Lorel, Turban Fungus: Gyromitra esculenta (Synonyms: Helvella esculenta, Physomitra esculenta)

Snowbank False Morel: Gyromitra gigas

Yellow-fuzz Cone Slime: Hemitrichia clavata

Scaly Tooth: Hydnum imbricatum

Sheathed Woodtuft: Kuehnermyces mutabilis (Synonyms: Dryophila mutabilis, Galerina mutabilis, Pholiota mutabilis)

Lichen Agaric: Lichenomphalia umbellifera (Omphalina ericetorum)

Morels: Morchella sp.

Raspberry Slime Mold, Red Raspberry Slime Mold: Tubifera ferruginosa (Synonyms: Stemonitis ferruginosa, Tubulifera arachnoidea)

Wrinkled Thimble-cap: Verpa bohemica

Paul Slichter E-mail