[The Fungi of Mt. Adams Country]

Beefsteak Morel, Conifer False Morel, Brain Mushroom, Elephant-ears, False Morel, Lorchel, Lorel, Turban Fungus

Gyromitra esculenta

Synonyms: Helvella esculenta, Physomitra esculenta

Beefsteak Morel, Conifer False Morel, Brain Mushroom, Elephant-ears, False Morel, Lorchel, Lorel, Turban Fungus: Gyromitra esculenta (Synonyms: Helvella esculenta, Physomitra esculenta)

What appears to be a conifer false morel as seen along the Willard Springs Trail, Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge.......May 16, 2022.

Paul Slichter