[The Pink Family in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Campions and Catchflys of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Silene

Bolander's Catchfly: Silene bolanderi (Synonym: Silene hookeri ssp. bolanderi)

Bolander's Catchfly: Silene bolanderi

Moss Campion: Silene acaulis (Synonyms: Cucubalus acaulis, Silene acaulis ssp. exscapa, Silene acaulis var. exscapa, Silene acaulis var. subacaulescens, Silene exscapa, Xamilensis acaulis) -

Sleepy Catchfly, Sleepy Silene: Silene antirrhina -

Mountain Campion, Palmer's Catchfly: Silene bernardina (Synonyms: Silene bernardina ssp. bernardina, Silene bernardina var. maguirei, Sillene bernardina var. rigidula, Silene bernardina var. sierrae, Silene montana, Silene shockleyi) -

Bolander's Catchfly: Silene bolanderi (Synonym: Silene hookeri ssp. bolanderi) - Only west of Interstate 5 in southwestern Oregon?

Bell Catchfly, Slender Campion: Silene campanulata ssp. glandulosa (Synonym: Silene campanulata var. greenei) -

Douglas' Campion, Douglas' Catchfly, Douglas' Silene: Silene douglasii var. douglasii (Synonym: Silene douglasii var. monantha) -

Douglas' Catchfly: Silene douglsii var. rupinae -

Common Catchfly, French Silene, Small-flowered Catchfly, Windmill Pink: Silene gallica -

Gray's Campion: Silene grayi - Primarily found west of Interstate 5 in southwestern Oregon but it can be found near Mount Shasta in California.

Hooker's Catchfly, Hooker's Pink, Hooker's Indian-pink: Silene hookeri ssp. hookeri (Synonyms: Silene hookeri ssp. pulverulenta, Silene pulverulenta) -

Bladder Campion, Evening Campion, Evening Catchfly, White Campion: Silene latifolia (Synonyms: Lychnis alba, Silene alba, Silene latifolia ssp. alba) -

Menzies' Campion, Menzies' Catchfly, Menzies' Silene: Silene menziesii (Synonyms: Silene menziesii var. menziesii, Silene menziesii var. viscosa) -

Night-flowering Catchfly, Night-flowering Silene: Silene noctiflora (Synonym: Melandrium noctiflorum) -

Henderson's Catchfly, Sticky Catchfly, Western Fringed Catchfly: Silene nuda (Synonym: Silene scaposa var. lobata) -

Oregon Campion, Oregon Catchfly: Silene oregana (Synonyms: Silene filisecta, Silene gormanii) -

Parry's Campion, Parry's Catchfly, Parry's Silene: Silene parryi (Synonyms: Silene douglasii var. macounii, Silene macounii) -

Sticky Catchfly: Silene pectinata (Synonym: Silene insectivora) - In the Cascades, found only at the eastern edge of the Cascade foothills west of Klamath Falls.

Seely's Catchfly, Seely's Silene: Silene seelyi (Synonym: Anotites seelyi) -

Cascade Catchfly, Suksdorf's Catchfly, Suksdorf's Silene: Silene suksdorfii -

Bladder Campion: Silene vulgaris (Synonyms: Silene cucubalus, Silene inflata, Silene latifolia var. pubescens) -

Paul Slichter E-mail