[Wildflowers with 5 Petals in the Cascade Mountain Range of Oregon and Washington]

The Pink Family in the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington


Hooker's Catchfly, Hooker's Pink, Hooker's Indian-pink: Silene hookeri ssp. hookeri (Synonyms: Silene hookeri ssp. pulverulenta, Silene pulverulenta)

Hooker's Catchfly: Silene hookeri ssp. hookeri

Partial Listing of Members of the Pink Family Found in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington:

Common Corncockle, Corn Campion: Agrostemma githago -

Thyme-leaf Sandwort: Arenaria serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia -

Sweet William Catchfly: Atocion armeria (Synonym: Silene armeria) -

Chickweeds: The Genus Cerastium -

Sandworts: The Genus Cherleria -

Pinks: The Genus Dianthus -

Sandworts: The Genus Eremogone -

Baby's Breath: Gypsophila paniculata (Synonym: Gypsophila paniculata var.paniculata) -

Jagged Chickweed: Holosteum umbellatum (Synonym: Holosteum umbellatum ssp. umbellatum) -

Mullein pink, Rose Campion: Lychnis coronaria (Synonym: Silene coronaria) -

Sandworts: The Genus Minuartia -

Sandworts: The Genus Moehringia -

Upright Chickweed, Munchkin Chickweed: Moenchia erecta ssp. erecta -

Pinks: Petrorhagia dubia -

Sticky Starwort, Sticky Chickweed: Pseudostellaria jamesiana (Synonyms: Alsine glutinosa, Arenaria jamesiana, Stellaria jamesiana) -

Stitchworts: The Genus Sabulina -

Pearlworts: The Genus Sagina -

Bouncing-bet, Bounding Bet: Saponaris officinalis -

Annual Knawel, German Knotgrass: Scleranthus annuus ssp. annuus -

Campions and Catchflys: The Genus Silene -

Cornspurry, Stickwort: Spergula arvensis (Synonyms: Spergula arvensis ssp. arvensis, Spergula arvensis var. arvensis, Spergula arvensis var. sativa) -

Sandspurry: The Genus Spergularia -

Starworts: The Genus Stellaria -

Cowcockle, Cowherb, Cow Soapwort: Vaccaria hispanica (Synonyms: Saponaria vaccaria, Vaccaria segetalis, Vaccaria vulgaris) -

Paul Slichter E-mail