[2001 Wildflower Bloom Reports for the Columbia River Gorge]

Wildflowers in Bloom the Columbia River Gorge

The Dalles Riverside Park

August 26, 2001

* Indicates the wildflower is blooming.

*1. Wapato, Arum-leaf Arrowhead: Sagittaria cuneata

*2. Willow Weed: Polygonum lapathifolium

*3. Riverbank Cinquefoil: Potentilla rivalis

*4. White Sweet Clover: Melilotus alba

*5. Hop Clover: Trifolium dubium

*6. White Clover: Trifolium repens

*7. Comon Mallow: Malva neglecta

*8. Fiddle-grass: Epilobium hirsutum

*9. Annual Willow Herb: Epilobium paniculatum

*10. Common Evening Primrose: Oenothera biennis

*11. Field Morning Glory: Convolvulus arvensis

*12. Bracted Verbena: Verbena bracteata

*13. Water Speedwell: Veronica anagallis-aquatica

*14. Common Plantain: Plantago major

*15. Nodding Beggar Ticks: Bidens cernua

*16. Hairy Goldaster: Chrysopsis villosa

*17. Columbia Coreopsis: Coreopsis atkinsoniana

*18. Cotton-batting Plant: Gnaphalium chilense

*19. Lowland Cudweed: Gnaphalium palustre

*20. Dandelion: Taraxacum officinale

*21. Mayweed Chamomile: Anthemis cotula

Paul Slichter