Wildflower Bloom Reports for Central Oregon

Columbia & Great Basins of Central Oregon

Wildflowers of Cottonwood Creek

Cottonwood Creek, the Pueblo Mountains

June 28, 1997



Cottonwood Creek is about 9 miles south of Fields, Oregon, or about 9 miles north of Denio, Nevada. It is a small creek on the west side of the highway which descends from the Pueblo Mts.

Leaves of Artemisia tridentata at right---->
1. Mormon Tea: Ephedra nevadensis

2. Hoary False-yarrow: Chaenactis douglasii

3. Yellow Desert Daisy: Erigeron linearis

4. Kellogg's Spurred Lupine: Lupinus caudatus

5. Narrow-leaved Paintbrush, Wyoming Paintbrush: Castilleja linariaefolia

6. Sagebrush: Artemisia tridentata- Plants forming flower buds, but not yet in bloom.

7. Oval-leaved Buckwheat: Eriogonum ovalifolium

8. Buckwheat: Eriogonum species

9. Green Rabbit-brush: Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus

10. Little-leaf Horse-brush: Tetradymia glabrata

11. Bud-sage: Artemisia spinescens

12. Clasping Pepperweed: Lepidium perfoliatum

13. Gooseberry-leaved Globe Mallow: Sphaeralcea grossulariaefolia

14. Star-flowered False Solomon's Seal: Smilacina stellata

Animals Seen or heard along Cottonwood Creek:

1. Northern Flicker

2. Song Sparrow

3. Red-tailed hawk

4. Turkey Vulture

5. Rufous-sided Towhee

6. Lazuli Bunting

Paul Slichter