[Sagebrush: The Genus Artemisia East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Bud Sage, Bud Sagebrush, Spring Sagebrush

Artemisia spinescens

Synonym: Picrothamnus desertorum

Bud Sage, Bud Sagebrush, Spring Sagebrush: Artemisia spinescens (Synonym: Picrothamnus desertorum)

The photo above shows bud sage at the intersection of the Fields-Denio Highway, Domingo Pass Road, eastern base of the Pueblo Mts, southeastern Oregon.........May 27, 2000.

Bud Sage, Bud Sagebrush, Spring Sagebrush: Artemisia spinescens (Synonym: Picrothamnus desertorum) The photo at right shows a close-up of the flower heads and leaves of bud sage at the intersection of the Fields-Denio Highway, Domingo Pass Road, eastern base of the Pueblo Mts, southeastern Oregon.........May 27, 2000.

Bud sage is a dwarf, bushy, rounded shrub from 5-50 cm high. The older stems are stout with shredded bark. Many of the older flower branches are hard and pointed, forming spine-like projections. The leaves and young stems are covered with fine hairs. The slender-petioled leaves are about 2 cm long and divided into 3-5 thin segments, each segment often divided again into narrow, sometimes spatulate segments. The leaves form in early spring and are deciduous by midsummer.

The inflorescence is short and spike-like to raceme-like and consists of dense clusters of flower heads. The involucre is 2-3.5 mm high, its 4-8 bracts densely covered by long, soft, shaggy hairs and leaf-like. The 5-12 disk flowers are sterile and surrounded by 2-6 outer, fertile flowers. Bud Sage flowers from April through June.


Bud sage is found on dry plains an hills between the elevations of 700-2100 meters. It is somewhat tolerant of alkali.


Bud sage is found from southeastern Oregon south to California, Arizona and New Mexico and east through central Idaho to western Montana.

Paul Slichter