[Wildflower Bloom for Central and Eastern Oregon: 2012]
[Currently Blooming Wildflowers in the Pacific Northwest] - [Wildflower Hikes and Trips in Central and Eastern Oregon]
Weather: Sunny with light winds to 5 miles per hour in the morning. Temperatures in the 70s in the morning climbing to the mid- 90s by afternoon. Very strong winds driving alkaline dust and grit with thunderstorms and torrential rains by late afternoon and early evening.
* Indian Rice Grass: Oryzopsis hymenoides - Beginning to bloom.
* Annual Sand-verbena: Abronia turbinata ? - Beginning to bloom.
* Heart-podded Hoary Cress: Lepidium draba ssp. draba
* Biennial Cinquefoil: Potentilla biennis
* Alvord Milkvetch: Astragalus alvordensis
* Rusty Lupine: Lupinus pusillus var. intermontanus
Wrinklewing Springparsley: Cymopterus corrugatus (Rhysopterus plurijugus)
* Great Basin Gilia: Aliciella leptomeria (Gilia leptomeria) ?
* Lott's Gilia: Aliciella lottiae (Gilia lottiae)
* Great Basin Popcornflower: Plagiobothrys kingii var. harknessii
* Tiquilia: Tiquilia nuttallii
* Sharp-leaved Penstemon: Penstemon acuminatus var. latebracteatus
* Clustered Broomrape: Aphyllon fasciculatum or Clustered Broomrape: Aphyllon franciscanum ? - Unknown host.
Sand Dune Broomrape: Orobanche ludoviciana - Dried remains of last year's stems.
Gray Rabbitbrush: Ericameria nauseosa var. (oreophila ?)
Carved Seed: Glyptopleura marginata var. marginata - Going to seed.
* Sow Thistle Malacothrix: Malacothrix sonchoides