Great Basin Popcorn Flower, Harkness' Popcornflower, Harkness' Plagiobothrys
Plagiobothrys kingii var. harknessii
Synonym: Plagiobothrys harknessii
Great Basin popcorn flower as seen in sandy soils on BLM land along the Whitehorse Ranch Road in the Pueblo Valley, southeastern Oregon.........June 1, 2012.
Great Basin popcornflower as seen at Fort Rock State Park, Lake County, OR.........May 18, 2016.
Great Basin popcorn flower as seen in sandy soils on BLM land along the Whitehorse Ranch Road in the Pueblo Valley, southeastern Oregon..........June 1, 2012.
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Great Basin popcornflower blooming on sandflats along the Flatiron Trail, Badlands Wilderness........May 12, 2018.
Paul Slichter